
Generali Achieves Minimum Threshold for Cattolica Offer, Source Says

Generali Achieves Minimum Threshold for Cattolica Offer, Source Says

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/29 01:20

By Ed Frankl

埃德·弗蘭克爾(Ed Frankl)著

Assicurazioni Generali SpA has secured around 54% in its bid to take over Cattolica Assicurazioni SC, according to a source familiar with the matter.

據知情人士透露,Assicurazioni Generali spa在競購Cattolica Assicurazioni SC的過程中獲得了約54%的股份。

It means Italy's largest insurer has reached the minimum threshold of its 6.75-euro-a-share ($7.85) bid for its smaller rival, which values the latter at around EUR1.59 billion.


The news comes a day before the acceptance period for the offer is due to close, on Oct. 29.


Investors tendered the equivalent of slightly more than 30% of Cattolica's outstanding share capital up until the end of trading on Thursday, according to Borsa Italiana data.

意大利博爾薩(Borsa Italiana)的數據顯示,截至週四收盤,投資者出價略高於Cattolica已發行股本的30%。

The company intends to proceed with a full takeover and is still looking to secure all remaining shares, the source said.


Milan-listed Cattolica closed at EUR6.76, down 0.2%. Generali shares closed up 0.5%.


Generali controlled 24% of Cattolica ahead of its takeover offer.

忠利在提出收購要約之前控制了Cattolica 24%的股份。

The remaining shares beyond Generali's stake as part of the bid are valued at about EUR1.18 billion at the price of Generali's offer.


Last week, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. tendered its 6.9% stake in Cattolica.

上週,沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)旗下的伯克希爾哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)提交了其持有的卡託利卡6.9%的股份。

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