
New Dynamic Immersive Art Installation From Kenzo Digital to Live in the New York City Skyline at SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

New Dynamic Immersive Art Installation From Kenzo Digital to Live in the New York City Skyline at SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

來自Kenzo Digital的新動態身臨其境藝術裝置將在VANDERBILT ONE峯會上生活在紐約市的天際線上
StreetInsider ·  2021/10/20 00:38

NEW YORK, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Kenzo Digital, in collaboration with SL Green Realty Corp., is proud to presentAir,a mind-bending new immersive art experience within SUMMIT One Vanderbilt. In a true love letter to the city, acclaimed artist Kenzo Digital has taken a thousand-foot-high venue, with a view that spans from Coney Island to the Bronx Zoo, and created a multisensory, transformative experience that is groundbreaking, euphoric, and will forever change the way we view the New York City skyline.

紐約,2021年10月19日/美通社/--Kenzo Digital,與SL Green Realty Corp.,很榮幸在峯會期間展示Air,一種令人費解的身臨其境的新藝術體驗範德比爾特。在給這座城市的一封真正的情書中,備受讚譽的藝術家Kenzo Digital選擇了一個1000英尺高的場地,從科尼島到布朗克斯動物園,創造了一種突破性的、令人興奮的多感官、變革性的體驗,將永遠改變我們看待紐約市天際線的方式。

"New York City is my home, my constant source of inspiration; it has molded me and given me so much," said Kenzo Digital. "WithAir, I want to create a space that shares the intoxicating sense of aspiration and inspiration that New York gives me with everyone who visits it—a beacon of possibility that pays tribute to all that New York is, can be, will be."

“紐約市是我的家,是我源源不斷的靈感源泉;它塑造了我,給了我這麼多,”Kenzo Digital説。“有了航空公司,我想創造一個空間,與每一個到訪的人分享紐約帶給我的令人陶醉的渴望和靈感--一個可能性的燈塔,向紐約現在、可以和將來的一切致敬。”

Airis a walkthrough art experience that begins after entering SUMMIT One Vanderbilt adjacent to Grand Central Terminal and extends through a mirrored, light-infused elevator ride up a thousand feet to the 91st floor. Once atop the building,Airoffers visitors a multi-floor, multi-space immersion that challenges their notions of physical reality, the city that surrounds them, and their sense of self.


Airis a story of both literal and figurative reflection. Through the use of glass mirrors on every structural surface,Airappears boundless, without fixed form, and offers a tantalizing and singular experience for each visitor at each moment. With everything mirrored, each step rearranges what visitors see with incredible complexity and scale, as if in defiance of physics.Airdefamiliarizes the world, and the process of finding a new equilibrium opens up a sense of elemental curiosity.


Airis an immersion in nature in the heart of Manhattan, likened to a Central Park in the sky. With its unique vantage point,Airbrings the outside environment into the space and then magnifies it infinitely. Whether sunrise or sunset, blue sky or cloudy, rain or snow, insideAir,every weather pattern conjures a revelatory world that provides endless opportunity for exploration.

空中是一種沉浸在曼哈頓中心的大自然中,被比作空中的中央公園。空氣以其獨特的優勢將外部環境帶入空間,然後無限放大。無論是日出還是日落,藍天還是多雲,雨雪,Inside Air,每一種天氣模式都召喚着一個啟發性的世界,提供了無盡的探索機會。

In addition to its remarkable materiality,Airis a living, breathing entity, expressed through its multisensory use of sound, lighting, production design, and game engine. It's a story that evolves with each successive space, bringing visitors deeper and deeper into the experience until finally, they become part of it. ThoughAiris deeply personal, the experience reveals shared consciousness, inviting visitors of any age to revel in collective wonder.


After the sun sets, the magic ofAirtakes new form as the space is transformed through a one-of-a-kind light and sound story, turning it into a beacon of energy, visible to all of New York City.


"Airis another dimension, where you discover that time rearranges itself as fluidly as the view," said Kenzo Digital. "Through its boundless juxtapositions of form,Aircompels you to live in the present moment: calm, aware, free."

Kenzo Digital説:“空氣是另一個維度,在那裏你會發現時間會像視野一樣流暢地重新排列。”“通過形式的無限並列,空氣強迫你活在當下:平靜、清醒、自由。”

Kenzo was commissioned to design the installation by SUMMIT One Vanderbilt.Airrepresents a bold, innovative leap forward in physical-space storytelling and the remarkable potential at the intersection of art and real estate on a grand scale.Airserves as the crown jewel of SUMMIT One Vanderbilt—its unique illusions are visible from the street all around the city.

Kenzo受Summit One Vanderbilt委託設計了這個裝置。Air代表了物理空間故事講述的大膽、創新的飛躍,以及在藝術和房地產的交叉點上巨大的潛力。Air是Summit One Vanderbilt的皇冠上的明珠-它獨特的幻覺在城市周圍的街道上隨處可見。

Airopens to the public on October 21. Air can be viewed and experienced exclusively at Summit One Vanderbilt. Tickets are on sale now at:


About Kenzo DigitalKenzo is an artist who creates emotionally powerful, mind-bending alternate worlds in physical and virtual spaces. He juxtaposes elements of art, film, theater, and architecture to produce groundbreaking work that upends your sensory experience in service of story. His goal is not just to entertain or excite, but to engage in ways that create memories of lasting meaning.

關於Kenzo DigitalKenzo是一位藝術家,他在物理和虛擬空間中創造了情感上強大的、令人費解的另一個世界。他將藝術、電影、戲劇和建築元素並列在一起,創作出顛覆你為故事服務的感官體驗的開創性作品。他的目標不只是娛樂或刺激,而是參與到創造持久意義的記憶的方式中。

Media Contact: Marissa Paiano,

媒體聯繫方式:Marissa Paiano,

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SOURCE Kenzo Digital

來源:Kenzo Digital

