
Lonza Provides New 2024 Targets; Anticipates "No Extraordinary" Capital Return -- Update

Lonza Provides New 2024 Targets; Anticipates "No Extraordinary" Capital Return -- Update

龍沙提供 2024 年新目標;預計「沒有特別」的資本回報-更新
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/12 16:00

By Olivia Bugault


Lonza Group AG on Tuesday provided new midterm financial targets and said it will continue to pay a dividend of 25% to 40% of its net income, but anticipates no extraordinary capital return as it will prioritize investment opportunities.

隆沙集團股份公司週二提供了新的中期財務目標,並表示將繼續支付淨收入的 25% 至 40% 的股息,但預計不會產生非凡的資本回報,因為它將優先考慮投資機會。

The Swiss life-sciences company, which is holding its capital-markets day later on Tuesday, said it has updated its 2024 outlook and expects sales at a constant exchange rate to grow in the low teens, while its core earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization margin is projected to be in the range of 33% to 35%.

這家瑞士生命科學公司週二晚些時候持有資本市場日,表示已經更新了 2024 年的前景,並預計在低青少年以固定匯率的銷售額將增長,而除利息,稅收,折舊和攤銷利潤率之前的核心盈利預計將在 33% 至 35% 的範圍內。

The company said capital expenditure should reach around 25% of sales this year and will remain elevated until it returns to the high teens by 2025.

該公司表示,資本支出今年應達到銷售額的 25% 左右,並將繼續提高,直到 2025 年恢復到青少年。

In a presentation released ahead of its capital-markets day, Lonza said the capital distribution to shareholders will be limited as it sees a lot of investment opportunities ahead and foresees "no extraordinary capital return."


Write to Olivia Bugault at


