
HollySys Comments on BVI Court Decision Denying Claim of Mr. Baiqing Shao and Ace Lead Profits Limited

HollySys Comments on BVI Court Decision Denying Claim of Mr. Baiqing Shao and Ace Lead Profits Limited

PR Newswire ·  2021/09/24 18:02

BEIJING, Sept. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- HollySys Automation Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: HOLI) ("HollySys" or the "Company"), a leading provider of automation and control technologies and applications in China, today provided an update on the litigation filed by Mr. Baiqing Shao and Ace Lead Profits Limited ("Ace Lead") against the Company in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Territory of the British Virgin Islands (the "Court").

北京,9月1日24,2021年,/美通社/--中國領先的自動化和控制技術及應用供應商和利時自動化(納斯達克股票代碼:HOLI)(以下簡稱和利時或“和利時”)今天提供了和利時自動化提起訴訟的最新情況。邵柏青本公司於英屬維爾京羣島領土東加勒比海最高法院(“法院”)與Ace Lead Products Limited(“Ace Lead”)提起訴訟。

As previously disclosed, on January 7, 2021, the Company adopted amendments (the "2021 Amendments") to the Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company (the "2021 M&AA"). Mr. Baiqing Shao and Ace Lead (the "Claimants") initiated proceedings against the Company in the Court on February 4, 2021 seeking to prevent the Company from enforcing the 2021 Amendments (the "Claim").

如先前所披露,本公司於2021年1月7日通過修訂及重訂的本公司組織章程大綱及細則(以下簡稱“本公司章程大綱及細則”)的修正案(“2021年修正案”)。2021 M邵柏青先生及王牌領隊(“申索人”)於#年月日向法院提起訴訟。2021年2月4日試圖阻止該公司執行2021年修正案(“索賠”)。

On September 22, 2021, the Court handed down a judgment rejecting the Claim. The Court's decision means that the 2021 Amendments were validly adopted, the 2021 M&AA are currently effective, and the Company can take steps in reliance on the 2021 M&AA.   

2021年9月22日,法院做出判決,駁回了這一索賠。最高法院的裁決意味着2021年修正案得到有效通過,2021 M和AA目前有效,公司可以在2021年併購和AA的基礎上採取措施。

In denying the Claim, the Court found that "the [Company's] directors all acted for proper motives and that the amendments were not made in breach of their fiduciary duties to Hollysys". The decision of the Court may be appealed within 42 days of the date of the ruling.


The Court ordered the Claimants to pay the Company's costs of the litigation, which the Company will enforce, including by seeking satisfaction against the shares in the Company held by Mr. Baiqing Shao.


The Court decision, dated September 22, 2021, is expected to become publicly available as part of claim BVIHC (COM) 2021/0015 in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Territory of the British Virgin Islands and will be posted on the Company's website.


About HollySys Automation Technologies Ltd.


HollySys is a leading automation control system solutions provider in China, with overseas operations in eight other countries and regions throughout Asia. Leveraging its proprietary technology and deep industry know-how, HollySys empowers its customers with enhanced operational safety, reliability, efficiency, and intelligence which are critical to their businesses. HollySys derives its revenues mainly from providing integrated solutions for industrial automation and rail transportation. In industrial automation, HollySys delivers the full spectrum of automation hardware, software, and services spanning field devices, control systems, enterprise manufacturing management and cloud-based applications. In rail transportation, HollySys provides advanced signaling control and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems for high-speed rail and urban rail (including subways). Founded in 1993, with technical expertise and innovation, HollySys has grown from a research team specializing in automation control in the power industry into a group providing integrated automation control system solutions for customers in diverse industry verticals. HollySys had cumulatively carried out more than 30,000 projects for approximately 17,000 customers in various sectors including power, petrochemical, high-speed rail, and urban rail, in which HollySys has established leading market positions.




This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact included herein are "forward-looking statements," including statements regarding: the ability of the Company to achieve its commercial objectives; the business strategy, plans and objectives of the Company and its subsidiaries; and any other statements of non-historical information. These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects" or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements, based upon the current beliefs and expectations of HollySys' management, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from the forward looking statements. In particular, the outcome of the BVI litigation is uncertain, and the Company cannot predict the potential results of the litigation filed against it by others. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. Investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors, including those discussed in the Company's reports that are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on its website ( All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含符合1995年“私人證券訴訟改革法”的前瞻性陳述。除本文中包含的歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均為“前瞻性陳述”,包括有關以下方面的陳述:公司實現其商業目標的能力;公司及其子公司的業務戰略、計劃和目標;以及任何其他非歷史信息的陳述。這些前瞻性陳述通常使用前瞻性術語,如“相信”、“預期”或類似的表述,涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定因素。這種基於和利時管理層目前的信念和預期的前瞻性陳述會受到風險和不確定性的影響,這可能會導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述有所不同。特別是,英屬維爾京羣島訴訟的結果是不確定的,該公司無法預測其他公司對其提起的訴訟的潛在結果。儘管公司認為這些前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但它們確實涉及假設、風險和不確定因素,這些預期可能被證明是不正確的。投資者不應過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅説明截至本新聞稿發佈之日的情況。由於多種因素的影響,公司的實際結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述中預期的大不相同, 包括該公司提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)並可在其網站(上查閲的報告中討論的那些內容所有可歸因於公司或代表公司行事的人的前瞻性陳述都明確地受到這些因素的限制。除證券法規定外,本公司不承擔更新這些前瞻性陳述的責任。

Contact information:
HollySys Automation Technologies Ltd.
[email protected]


SOURCE Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd


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