
SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLP Investigates ECHO, KOR, GWB, FMO, BCML; Shareholders are Encouraged to Contact the Firm

SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLP Investigates ECHO, KOR, GWB, FMO, BCML; Shareholders are Encouraged to Contact the Firm

股東調查:Halper Sadeh LLP調查ECHO、KOR、GWB、FMO、BCML;鼓勵股東聯繫該公司
PR Newswire ·  2021/09/21 00:34

NEW YORK, Sept. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Halper Sadeh LLP, a global investor rights law firm, announces it is investigating the following companies:

紐約9月2021年,2021年/美通社/--全球投資者權益律師事務所Halper Sadeh LLP宣佈,它正在調查以下公司:

Echo Global Logistics, Inc. (NASDAQ: ECHO) concerning potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties relating to its sale to funds managed by The Jordan Company, L.P. for $48.25 per share in cash. If you are an Echo shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options. 


Corvus Gold Inc. (NASDAQ: KOR) concerning potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties relating to its sale to AngloGold Ashanti Limited. If you are a Corvus shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.  

烏鴉黃金公司(Corvus Gold Inc.)(納斯達克股票代碼:KOR)就可能違反聯邦證券法和/或違反與其出售給盎格魯黃金阿散蒂有限公司相關的受託責任一事發表評論。如果你是烏鴉的股東,單擊此處瞭解有關您的權利和選項的更多信息.

Great Western Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE: GWB) concerning potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties relating to its sale to First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, Great Western shareholders will receive 0.8425 shares of First Interstate Class A common stock for each Great Western share they own. Following completion of the transaction, Great Western shareholders will collectively own 43% of the combined company. If you are a Great Western shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.  

Great Western Bancorp,Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:GWB)關於可能違反聯邦證券法和/或違反與出售給第一州際銀行系統公司有關的受託責任的問題,根據協議條款,大西部公司的股東每持有一股大西部公司股票,將獲得0.8425股第一州際銀行A類普通股。交易完成後,大西部公司的股東將共同擁有合併後公司43%的股份。如果你是偉大的西方股東,單擊此處瞭解有關您的權利和選項的更多信息。

Fiduciary/Claymore Energy Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: FMO) concerning potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties relating to its sale to Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. As a result of the merger, the outstanding common stock of FMO will be exchanged for newly issued common stock of Kayne AndersonIf you are a FMO shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options. 


BayCom Corp (NASDAQ: BCML) concerning potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties relating to its merger with Pacific Enterprise Bancorp. Pacific Enterprise shareholders will receive 1.0292 shares of BayCom common stock in exchange for each share of Pacific Enterprise common stock they own. If you are a BayCom shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.  

貝通公司(BayCom Corp)(納斯達克股票代碼:BCML)就可能違反聯邦證券法和/或違反與其與Pacific Enterprise Bancorp合併相關的受託責任。太平洋企業股東將獲得1.0292股貝通普通股,以換取他們持有的每股太平洋企業普通股。如果你是BayCom的股東,單擊此處瞭解有關您的權利和選項的更多信息。

Halper Sadeh LLP may seek increased consideration, additional disclosures and information concerning the proposed transaction, or other relief and benefits on behalf of shareholders.

Halper Sadeh LLP可能會代表股東尋求增加對價、關於擬議交易的額外披露和信息,或其他救濟和利益。

Shareholders are encouraged to contact the firm free of charge to discuss their legal rights and options. Please call Daniel Sadeh or Zachary Halper at (212) 763-0060 or email [email protected] or [email protected].

鼓勵股東與公司聯繫。免費討論他們的合法權利和選擇權。請致電丹尼爾·薩德或扎卡里·哈爾珀(Zachary Halper)撥打(212)763-0060或發送電子郵件[受電子郵件保護]或[受電子郵件保護].

Halper Sadeh LLP represents investors all over the world who have fallen victim to securities fraud and corporate misconduct. Our attorneys have been instrumental in implementing corporate reforms and recovering millions of dollars on behalf of defrauded investors.

Halper Sadeh LLP代表世界各地遭受證券欺詐和公司不當行為受害者的投資者。我們的律師在實施公司改革和代表被欺詐的投資者追回數百萬美元方面發揮了重要作用。

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:
Halper Sadeh LLP
Daniel Sadeh, Esq.
Zachary Halper, Esq.
(212) 763-0060
[email protected]
[email protected]

聯繫方式:Halper Sadeh LLP丹尼爾·薩德(Daniel Sadeh),Esq.扎卡里·哈爾珀(Zachary Halper),Esq.(212) 763-0060[受電子郵件保護][受電子郵件保護]Https://

SOURCE Halper Sadeh LLP

來源:Halper Sadeh LLP

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