
Amazon to fully fund college tuition for frontline employees

Amazon to fully fund college tuition for frontline employees

Reuters ·  2021/09/09 23:56

Sept 9 (Reuters) - Inc AMZN.O will fully fund college tuition for over 750,000 of its frontline employees, the e-commerce giant said on Thursday, stepping up its efforts to attract and retain workers in a tight domestic labor market.


It plans to spend about $1.2 billion in the next four years on its U.S employees, funding full college tuition and high school diplomas, including English proficiency certifications as well as upskilling programs, it said in a blogpost


The move would help Amazon attract talent and beef up its delivery network and fulfillment center staff, at a time when labor shortages have left companies scrambling to fill vacancies and balance remote and in-office work in a reopening economy.


Amazon said it had seen a surge in applications to participate in education programs since the start of the pandemic, as employees looked to upskill. It offers various upskilling programs including in Amazon Web Services, its cloud computing unit that saw demand shoot up thanks to remote work.

亞馬遜表示,自疫情爆發以來,由於員工希望提高技能,申請參加教育項目的人數激增。它提供各種提高技能的計劃,包括亞馬遜網絡服務(Amazon Web Services),這是其雲計算部門,由於遠程工作,需求激增。

