
OrthAlign Announces Clinical Milestone Having Performed 200,000 Joint Arthroplasty Cases Worldwide

OrthAlign Announces Clinical Milestone Having Performed 200,000 Joint Arthroplasty Cases Worldwide

PR Newswire ·  2021/09/10 00:20

ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Sept. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- OrthAlign, Inc., a privately held U.S.-based medical device and technology company providing orthopedic surgeons with advanced precision technologies, is excited to announce a clinical milestone of 200,000 OrthAlign-assisted joint replacement surgeries worldwide. Indicated for total knee replacement, partial knee replacement, and total hip replacement, OrthAlign's intuitive, handheld navigation technologies provide an accurate, cost-effective tool ideal for both the hospital and ASC environments.

加利福尼亞州阿利索·維喬(Aliso VIEJO),9月2021年9月9日/美通社/--OrthAlign公司是一家總部設在美國的非上市醫療設備和技術公司,為整形外科醫生提供先進的精密技術。該公司興奮地宣佈,在全球範圍內進行了20萬例OrthAlign輔助的關節置換手術,這是一個臨牀里程碑。OrthAlign直觀的手持導航技術適用於全膝關節置換、部分膝關節置換和全髖關節置換,是醫院和ASC環境的理想選擇。

OrthAlign's next-generation LANTERN Navigation System

OrthAlign delivers accurate, individualized alignment to any patient with a single-use, handheld smart tool that can be used across implant platforms and surgical philosophies. The user-friendly design and interface provide streamlined workflows to reduce OR times and support multiple ORs concurrently without the investment, equipment, or pre-operative imaging required by many computer-assisted surgical systems. The technology is optimized for the ASC with only one instrument tray, one navigation unit for all applications, and no storage requirements or service plans.


A steady cadence of updates and product launches have supported the exponential adoption and growth of OrthAlign technology. KneeAlign®, the company's flagship application, provides tibial and femoral intra-operative navigation for total knee arthroplasty. UniAlign®, launched in early 2017, leveraged the clinical success of KneeAlign, and allows for a seamless transition between partial and total knee replacement. In 2018, HipAlign® became commercially available and currently supports real time abduction and anteversion measurements of the acetabular cup and assess intra-operative changes in leg length and offset for both lateral or supine based approaches.


"OrthAlign has given me accuracy and reproducibility," said Dr. Rafael Sierra, Orthopedic Surgeon in Rochester, MN. "My first introduction to OrthAlign was a tough case with hardware in the femur, and I wanted to see if I could avoid taking the hardware out of a young patient. OrthAlign was the perfect instrument for that situation. After that experience, I was very excited about its use and expanded it into my other knee replacements. When performing anatomic alignment, it is very challenging, with manual instrumentation, to determine the exact degree of a slightly varus tibial cut. You want consistent precision, and that's what OrthAlign gives me."

“OrthAlign給了我準確性和可重複性,”拉斐爾·塞拉(Rafael Sierra)博士説,他是北京的整形外科醫生。明尼蘇達州羅切斯特市“我第一次接觸OrthAlign是一個棘手的問題,股骨裏有硬件,我想看看能不能避免從年輕患者身上取出硬件。OrthAlign是解決這種情況的完美工具。在那次經歷之後,我對它的使用感到非常興奮,並將其推廣到我的其他膝關節置換手術中。在進行解剖對齊時,使用手動器械來確定脛骨輕微內翻傷口的確切程度是非常有挑戰性的。你想要一致的精度,這就是OrthAlign給我的。”

"This is another great milestone for our organization that emphasizes the commitment of surgeons to our products," said Eric Timko, Chairman and CEO of OrthAlign Inc. "This has been an exciting journey for OrthAlign and with the launch underway of our next generation flagship product, Lantern, we expect our strong momentum to continue. Technology in every room and in every case is the future; OrthAlign is the catalyst to make that happen. We've seen market-leading growth, quarter after quarter, because our surgeons love the simplicity and efficiency of the system, and they're seeing great results. As the market continues to adopt technology and total joints move to the ASC, we are well positioned to drive these transitions and deliver clinically-proven technology that meets the operational and financial needs of all sites of service. Our future is bright, and we look forward to what's ahead."


About OrthAlign, Inc.


OrthAlign is a privately held medical device and technology company, developing advanced technologies that deliver healthier and more pain-free lifestyles to joint replacement patients, globally. We provide healthcare professionals with cutting edge, computer-assisted surgical tools that seamlessly and cost-effectively deliver vital data and clinical results to optimize outcomes for our patients. For more information regarding OrthAlign, please visit


"ORTHALIGN®, ORTHALIGN PLUS®, LANTERN®, KNEEALIGN®, HIPALIGN® and UNIALIGN®" are registered trademarks of OrthAlign, Inc.


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