
Tuscan® Dairy is Rallying Its Communities to Win Milk Money for Local High School Athletic Departments

Tuscan® Dairy is Rallying Its Communities to Win Milk Money for Local High School Athletic Departments

PR Newswire ·  2021/08/31 23:34

BURLINGTON, N.J., Aug. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Family-farmer owned Tuscan Dairy today announced the launch of its first-ever FUEL THEIR DRIVE promotion that will award up to $10,000 to local school athletic departments in New York, N.Y. and Northern New Jersey. 

新澤西州伯靈頓2021年8月31日/美通社/--家庭所有的托斯卡納乳業公司今天宣佈,它將首次推出Fuel Your Drive促銷活動,將向#年當地學校體育部門獎勵高達1萬美元的獎金。紐約州紐約市和新澤西州北部。

With the pandemic further tightening school athletic budgets across the country, FUEL THEIR DRIVE will give Tuscan milk shoppers a chance to help local high schools win a portion of $1MM that will be awarded to high school athletic programs nationwide while also supporting their hometown athletes.


Tuscan Dairy will award 22 grants ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 to high schools in the communities it serves, including New York, N.Y. and Northern New Jersey. Dollars can be used to update a sports field, revamp the school gym, purchase much-needed athletic equipment, or whatever the athletic department's greatest need is. The best part? All shoppers have to do is buy Tuscan milk, available locally at Target, Stop & Shop, King Kullen and other retailers near you. Community members and high schoolers can also engage in local-market social media challenges for a chance for high schools to win additional dollars.

托斯卡納乳業將授予22筆贈款,金額從1000美元到$10,000到它所服務的社區的高中,包括紐約,紐約州和新澤西州北部。美元可以用來更新運動場,翻新學校體育館,購買急需的運動器材,或者任何體育部門最需要的東西。最精彩的部分?所有購物者需要做的就是購買托斯卡納牛奶,在塔吉特(Target)、Stop&Shop、King Kullen和你附近的其他零售商都能買到。社區成員和高中生也可以參與當地市場的社交媒體挑戰,為高中贏得額外資金的機會。

"Community is at the core of who we are and supporting those communities is deep-rooted in our bones," said Emilio Cuadra, Vice President of Sales for the Northeast Group. "Our commitment to communities goes beyond producing wholesome dairy products for families to enjoy. At Tuscan, we believe it is our responsibility to lend a helping hand where we can. We hope this promotion will help fuel success for our area high schools and local athletes."

東北集團負責銷售的副總裁埃米利奧·誇德拉(Emily Io Cuadra)説:“社區是我們的核心,支持這些社區在我們的骨子裏根深蒂固。”我們對社區的承諾不僅僅是生產健康的乳製品供家庭享用。在托斯卡納,我們相信在力所能及的地方伸出援手是我們的責任。我們希望這次推廣將有助於推動我們地區的高中和當地運動員取得成功。

FUEL THEIR DRIVE is grounded in the idea that milk can power school athletes like no other beverage – with high quality protein for strong muscles, fluids to rehydrate; and the nutrients athletes need such as calcium, Vitamin D and phosphorus.


Winning the Milk Money is Easy!


Tuscan shoppers can win up to $10,000 for their schools starting August 30 through October 15. It's easy to participate.


  • Buy Tuscan milk
  • Snap a photo of your receipt
  • Upload at
  • Vote for your high school
  • 購買托斯卡納牛奶
  • 給你的收據拍張照片
  • 在上傳
  • 為你的高中投票

Schools with the most votes will win $10K and some winners will be chosen at random for $2K so shoppers are encouraged to purchase and upload often.  Visit the store locator at to find local retailers that sell Tuscan milk.


Community members and high schoolers have an additional chance to win $1,000 for their school by:


  • SHOWING and SHARING their school pride on social media by participating in a school spirit challenge. Post pics or videos on Instagram however you show school spirit, such as toasting an athletic team with a glass of milk, wearing a school uniform or jersey, painting school colors on your face or more. Tag @tuscandairyfarms with hashtag #FuelTheirDriveSweepstakes to enter.
  • 通過參加校風挑戰賽,在社交媒體上展示和分享他們的學校自豪感。在Instagram上發佈照片或視頻,儘管你展示了學校精神,比如用一杯牛奶為一支運動隊乾杯,穿着校服或運動衫,在臉上畫上學校的顏色,甚至更多。Tag@tusandairyfarmers,標籤為#FuelTheirDriveSweepstake進入。

Learn more about the FUEL THEIR DRIVE promotion at and find full rules HERE.


About Tuscan® Dairy
Tuscan Dairy is the number one brand of milk in the New York market. Founded in 1918 by Louis Borinsky, Tuscan Dairy Farms began as a family-run distribution company, delivering dairy products door-to-door throughout Union and Essex counties in New Jersey. Today, these dairy products are available in supermarkets, convenience stores and food service outlets throughout the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island and the northern half of New Jersey. Favorite Tuscan products include milk, flavored milk, single-serve milk and cream. In May 2020, Tuscan Farms Dairy became a farmer-owned brand of Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), a national dairy cooperative owned by more than 12,500 dairy farmers. For more information, visit


SOURCE Tuscan Dairy


