
424B2: Prospectus

424B2: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/12/21 05:12


Morgan Stanley Finance LLC is offering Contingent Income Auto-Callable Securities due January 13, 2028, linked to the performance of the S&P 500® Equal Weight Index, Russell 2000® Index, and Nasdaq-100® Technology Sector IndexSM. The securities offer a contingent monthly coupon of at least 10.55% per annum if each index closes at or above 70% of its initial value on the observation date.The securities are subject to automatic early redemption after three months if each index closes at or above its initial value on a monthly redemption determination date. At maturity, investors face full exposure to declines in the worst-performing index if any index closes below 70% of its initial value.These complex securities involve significant risks, including potential loss of principal. Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance before purchasing. The securities will not be listed on any exchange, potentially limiting liquidity.
Morgan Stanley Finance LLC is offering Contingent Income Auto-Callable Securities due January 13, 2028, linked to the performance of the S&P 500® Equal Weight Index, Russell 2000® Index, and Nasdaq-100® Technology Sector IndexSM. The securities offer a contingent monthly coupon of at least 10.55% per annum if each index closes at or above 70% of its initial value on the observation date.The securities are subject to automatic early redemption after three months if each index closes at or above its initial value on a monthly redemption determination date. At maturity, investors face full exposure to declines in the worst-performing index if any index closes below 70% of its initial value.These complex securities involve significant risks, including potential loss of principal. Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance before purchasing. The securities will not be listed on any exchange, potentially limiting liquidity.
摩根士丹利金融有限責任公司推出的有條件收入自動可回售證券到期日爲2028年1月13日,鏈接到S&P 500® 等權重指數、羅素2000® 指數和納斯達克100® 科技板塊指數的表現。如果每個指數在觀察日收盤時達到或超過其初始價值的70%,證券將提供至少10.55%年化的有條件月息。如果每個指數在月度贖回確定日收盤時達到或超過其初始價值,證券將在三個月後自動提前贖回。到期時,如果任何一個指數收盤低於其初始價值的70%,投資者將面臨表現最差的指數的全部下跌風險。這些複雜的證券涉及重大風險,包括可能的本金損失。投資者在購買前應仔細考慮其投資目標和風險承受能力。這些證券不會在任何交易所上市,可能會限制流動性。
摩根士丹利金融有限責任公司推出的有條件收入自動可回售證券到期日爲2028年1月13日,鏈接到S&P 500® 等權重指數、羅素2000® 指數和納斯達克100® 科技板塊指數的表現。如果每個指數在觀察日收盤時達到或超過其初始價值的70%,證券將提供至少10.55%年化的有條件月息。如果每個指數在月度贖回確定日收盤時達到或超過其初始價值,證券將在三個月後自動提前贖回。到期時,如果任何一個指數收盤低於其初始價值的70%,投資者將面臨表現最差的指數的全部下跌風險。這些複雜的證券涉及重大風險,包括可能的本金損失。投資者在購買前應仔細考慮其投資目標和風險承受能力。這些證券不會在任何交易所上市,可能會限制流動性。


