
Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

花旗集團 | 424B2:募資說明書
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/12/21 05:00


Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. is offering Autocallable Securities linked to the S&P 500 Futures 40% Edge Volatility 6% Decrement Index (USD) ER, due January 31, 2030. The securities do not pay interest and do not guarantee principal repayment at maturity.The securities offer potential automatic early redemption at a premium if the underlying index closes at or above its initial value on specified valuation dates. If not redeemed early, payment at maturity depends on the final index value. Investors face 1:1 downside exposure if the final index value is below the barrier level.The underlying index tracks S&P 500 futures with 40% volatility targeting and a 6% annual decrement. It may significantly underperform the S&P 500 due to leverage, financing costs, and the decrement. The estimated value of the securities on the pricing date will be less than the issue price. CGMI will receive an underwriting fee and may profit from expected hedging activity.
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. is offering Autocallable Securities linked to the S&P 500 Futures 40% Edge Volatility 6% Decrement Index (USD) ER, due January 31, 2030. The securities do not pay interest and do not guarantee principal repayment at maturity.The securities offer potential automatic early redemption at a premium if the underlying index closes at or above its initial value on specified valuation dates. If not redeemed early, payment at maturity depends on the final index value. Investors face 1:1 downside exposure if the final index value is below the barrier level.The underlying index tracks S&P 500 futures with 40% volatility targeting and a 6% annual decrement. It may significantly underperform the S&P 500 due to leverage, financing costs, and the decrement. The estimated value of the securities on the pricing date will be less than the issue price. CGMI will receive an underwriting fee and may profit from expected hedging activity.
花旗集團全球市場控股公司正在提供與S&P 500期貨40%邊際波動率6%遞減指數(美元)ER掛鉤的可自動贖回證券,到期日爲2030年1月31日。這些證券不支付利息,且不保證在到期時本金的償還。如果基礎指數在指定估值日期以初始值收盤或以上,則這些證券提供潛在的自動提前贖回溢價。如果未提前贖回,到期付款取決於最終指數值。如果最終指數值低於障礙水平,投資者面臨1:1的下行風險。基礎指數跟蹤S&P 500期貨,目標波動率爲40%,年遞減爲6%。由於槓桿、融資成本和遞減,可能會顯著表現不及S&P 500。定價日證券的估計價值將低於發行價格。CGMI將收取承銷費用,並可能從預期的對沖活動中獲利。
花旗集團全球市場控股公司正在提供與S&P 500期貨40%邊際波動率6%遞減指數(美元)ER掛鉤的可自動贖回證券,到期日爲2030年1月31日。這些證券不支付利息,且不保證在到期時本金的償還。如果基礎指數在指定估值日期以初始值收盤或以上,則這些證券提供潛在的自動提前贖回溢價。如果未提前贖回,到期付款取決於最終指數值。如果最終指數值低於障礙水平,投資者面臨1:1的下行風險。基礎指數跟蹤S&P 500期貨,目標波動率爲40%,年遞減爲6%。由於槓桿、融資成本和遞減,可能會顯著表現不及S&P 500。定價日證券的估計價值將低於發行價格。CGMI將收取承銷費用,並可能從預期的對沖活動中獲利。


