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TJX Companies | 10-Q: Q3 2025 Earnings Report
TJX Companies | 10-Q: Q3 2025 Earnings Report
TJX公司 | 10-Q:2025財年三季報
TJX Companies reported strong financial results for Q3 fiscal 2025, with net sales increasing 6% to $14.1 billion and comparable store sales rising 3%. Net income grew to $1.3 billion, with diluted earnings per share reaching $1.14, up 11% from $1.03 in the prior year. The company's gross margin improved by 0.5 percentage points to 68.4%, driven by higher merchandise margins and improved markon.The company's performance was led by strong results across divisions, with TJX International showing notable improvement with segment profit margin increasing to 7.3% from 5.4%. Marmaxx, the company's largest division, delivered a 4% sales increase to $8.4 billion with comparable store sales up 2%. HomeGoods segment saw profit margin expand significantly to 12.3% from 10.3%.Looking ahead, TJX maintains a strong financial position with $4.7 billion in cash and plans to repurchase approximately $2.25 billion to $2.5 billion of stock in fiscal 2025. The company also announced plans to enter Spain with its TK Maxx banner in fiscal 2027 and completed strategic investments in Mexico and Middle East retail operations through joint ventures with Grupo Axo and Brands for Less.
TJX Companies reported strong financial results for Q3 fiscal 2025, with net sales increasing 6% to $14.1 billion and comparable store sales rising 3%. Net income grew to $1.3 billion, with diluted earnings per share reaching $1.14, up 11% from $1.03 in the prior year. The company's gross margin improved by 0.5 percentage points to 68.4%, driven by higher merchandise margins and improved markon.The company's performance was led by strong results across divisions, with TJX International showing notable improvement with segment profit margin increasing to 7.3% from 5.4%. Marmaxx, the company's largest division, delivered a 4% sales increase to $8.4 billion with comparable store sales up 2%. HomeGoods segment saw profit margin expand significantly to 12.3% from 10.3%.Looking ahead, TJX maintains a strong financial position with $4.7 billion in cash and plans to repurchase approximately $2.25 billion to $2.5 billion of stock in fiscal 2025. The company also announced plans to enter Spain with its TK Maxx banner in fiscal 2027 and completed strategic investments in Mexico and Middle East retail operations through joint ventures with Grupo Axo and Brands for Less.
TJX公司發佈了2025財年第三季度強勁的財務業績,淨銷售額增長6%至141億美元,可比門店銷售額上升3%。凈利潤增長至13億美元,稀釋每股收益達到1.14美元,比去年同期的1.03美元增長11%。公司的毛利率提高了0.5個百分點,達到68.4%,這得益於更高的商品毛利和改善的標記。公司的業績受到各部門強勁表現的推動,TJX國際的細分利潤率從5.4%上升至7.3%。Marmaxx作爲公司的最大部門,銷售額增長4%至84億美元,可比門店銷售額增長2%。HomeGoods部門的利潤率顯著擴大,從10.3%增長至12.3%。展望未來,TJX保持強勁的財務狀況,現金達到47億美元,並計劃在2025財年回購約22.5億至25億美元的股票。公司還宣佈計劃在2027財年以Tk Maxx品牌進入西班牙,並通過與Grupo Axo和Brands for Less的合資企業完成對墨西哥和中東零售業務的戰略投資。
TJX公司發佈了2025財年第三季度強勁的財務業績,淨銷售額增長6%至141億美元,可比門店銷售額上升3%。凈利潤增長至13億美元,稀釋每股收益達到1.14美元,比去年同期的1.03美元增長11%。公司的毛利率提高了0.5個百分點,達到68.4%,這得益於更高的商品毛利和改善的標記。公司的業績受到各部門強勁表現的推動,TJX國際的細分利潤率從5.4%上升至7.3%。Marmaxx作爲公司的最大部門,銷售額增長4%至84億美元,可比門店銷售額增長2%。HomeGoods部門的利潤率顯著擴大,從10.3%增長至12.3%。展望未來,TJX保持強勁的財務狀況,現金達到47億美元,並計劃在2025財年回購約22.5億至25億美元的股票。公司還宣佈計劃在2027財年以Tk Maxx品牌進入西班牙,並通過與Grupo Axo和Brands for Less的合資企業完成對墨西哥和中東零售業務的戰略投資。
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