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Nano Dimension | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]
Nano Dimension | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]
Nano Dimension | 6-K:外國發行人報告
Nano Dimension issued a letter to shareholders on November 22, 2024, urging them to vote "FOR" all company proposals at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on December 6. The company highlighted its achievements, including 29% organic revenue growth, 1300 basis points increase in gross margin, and 69% reduction in cash burn, while returning over $160 million to shareholders through share buybacks since August 2022.The company is facing a proxy battle with Murchinson Ltd. and Anson Advisors, who already have two representatives on Nano's Board and are seeking to gain additional control. Nano warns that Murchinson has no executable value creation plan and aims to liquidate the company for their own benefit. The company emphasizes the importance of supporting its two director nominees, including CEO Yoav Stern and General Michael X. Garrett.Shareholders of record as of October 22, 2024, must submit their votes by December 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The company's strategy focuses on transformational M&A, including pending Markforged and Desktop Metal acquisitions, while improving financial and operational performance to drive long-term shareholder value.
Nano Dimension issued a letter to shareholders on November 22, 2024, urging them to vote "FOR" all company proposals at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on December 6. The company highlighted its achievements, including 29% organic revenue growth, 1300 basis points increase in gross margin, and 69% reduction in cash burn, while returning over $160 million to shareholders through share buybacks since August 2022.The company is facing a proxy battle with Murchinson Ltd. and Anson Advisors, who already have two representatives on Nano's Board and are seeking to gain additional control. Nano warns that Murchinson has no executable value creation plan and aims to liquidate the company for their own benefit. The company emphasizes the importance of supporting its two director nominees, including CEO Yoav Stern and General Michael X. Garrett.Shareholders of record as of October 22, 2024, must submit their votes by December 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The company's strategy focuses on transformational M&A, including pending Markforged and Desktop Metal acquisitions, while improving financial and operational performance to drive long-term shareholder value.
Nano Dimension於2024年11月22日向股東發出信函,敦促他們在即將於12月6日召開的年度股東大會上投票"支持"所有公司提案。公司強調了其成就,包括29%的有機營業收入增長、1300個點子的毛利率提高,以及69%的現金消耗減少,同時從2022年8月以來通過股票回購向股東返還了超過16000萬美元。公司正面臨與Murchinson有限公司和Anson Advisors的委託之戰,後者已在Nano的董事會中擁有兩名代表,並尋求獲得更多控制權。Nano警告稱,Murchinson沒有可執行的價值創造計劃,旨在爲了自身利益清算公司。公司強調支持其兩名董事提名人的重要性,包括首席執行官Yo...展開全部
Nano Dimension於2024年11月22日向股東發出信函,敦促他們在即將於12月6日召開的年度股東大會上投票"支持"所有公司提案。公司強調了其成就,包括29%的有機營業收入增長、1300個點子的毛利率提高,以及69%的現金消耗減少,同時從2022年8月以來通過股票回購向股東返還了超過16000萬美元。公司正面臨與Murchinson有限公司和Anson Advisors的委託之戰,後者已在Nano的董事會中擁有兩名代表,並尋求獲得更多控制權。Nano警告稱,Murchinson沒有可執行的價值創造計劃,旨在爲了自身利益清算公司。公司強調支持其兩名董事提名人的重要性,包括首席執行官Yoav Stern和退役將軍Michael X. Garrett。截至2024年10月22日的股東必須在2024年12月1日晚上11:59(東部時間)之前提交他們的投票。公司的策略側重於變革性的併購,包括待定的Markforged和Desktop Metal收購,同時改善財務和運營績效,以推動長期股東價值。
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