
Microsoft | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

Microsoft | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

微軟 | PX14A6G:豁免招標通知
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/11/08 14:28


The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) has urged shareholders of Microsoft Corporation to vote against the re-election of Reid Hoffman to the company's Board of Directors. The NLPC, which is not soliciting proxy authority and cannot vote proxies, has submitted a Proxy Memorandum detailing their opposition to Hoffman's candidacy. The NLPC's concerns center around Hoffman's associations with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his political activism, which they argue could damage Microsoft's reputation and alienate customers and shareholders. The NLPC highlights Hoffman's funding of controversial political campaigns and organizations, as well as his caustic and vindictive approach to political discourse. They also criticize his response to an assassination attempt on President Trump...Show More
The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) has urged shareholders of Microsoft Corporation to vote against the re-election of Reid Hoffman to the company's Board of Directors. The NLPC, which is not soliciting proxy authority and cannot vote proxies, has submitted a Proxy Memorandum detailing their opposition to Hoffman's candidacy. The NLPC's concerns center around Hoffman's associations with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his political activism, which they argue could damage Microsoft's reputation and alienate customers and shareholders. The NLPC highlights Hoffman's funding of controversial political campaigns and organizations, as well as his caustic and vindictive approach to political discourse. They also criticize his response to an assassination attempt on President Trump, which they view as insufficiently contrite. The NLPC contrasts Hoffman's behavior with other tech leaders who have expressed willingness to work with the Trump administration. The NLPC's opposition is based on their belief that Hoffman's actions and affiliations do not align with Microsoft's standards of trust and corporate governance.
國家法律與政策中心(NLPC)敦促微軟-t的股東反對重新選舉Reid Hoffman進入董事會。NLPC並非徵求代理權限,也無法投票代理,他們提交了一份代理備忘錄,詳細說明他們反對Hoffman的候選資格。NLPC的關注焦點在於Hoffman與已被定罪的性罪犯Jeffrey Epstein的關係以及他的政治活動,他們認爲這可能會損害微軟的聲譽,使客戶和股東疏遠。NLPC強調了Hoffman對有爭議的政治運動和組織的資助,以及他在政治話語中的刻薄和報復性態度。他們還批評了他對特朗普總統遇刺未遂事件的回應,認爲他的態度不夠悔悟。NLPC將Hoffman的行爲與其他願意與特朗普政府合作的科技領袖進行對比。NLPC的反對基於他們的信念,即Hoffman的行動和關係不符合微軟對信任和公司治理的標準。
國家法律與政策中心(NLPC)敦促微軟-t的股東反對重新選舉Reid Hoffman進入董事會。NLPC並非徵求代理權限,也無法投票代理,他們提交了一份代理備忘錄,詳細說明他們反對Hoffman的候選資格。NLPC的關注焦點在於Hoffman與已被定罪的性罪犯Jeffrey Epstein的關係以及他的政治活動,他們認爲這可能會損害微軟的聲譽,使客戶和股東疏遠。NLPC強調了Hoffman對有爭議的政治運動和組織的資助,以及他在政治話語中的刻薄和報復性態度。他們還批評了他對特朗普總統遇刺未遂事件的回應,認爲他的態度不夠悔悟。NLPC將Hoffman的行爲與其他願意與特朗普政府合作的科技領袖進行對比。NLPC的反對基於他們的信念,即Hoffman的行動和關係不符合微軟對信任和公司治理的標準。


