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BigBear.ai Holdings | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report
BigBear.ai Holdings | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report
BigBear.ai Holdings | 10-Q:2024財年三季報
BigBear.ai Holdings reported a significant increase in revenue for the third quarter of 2024, with revenues rising 22.1% to $41.5 million compared to $34 million in the same period of 2023. The company's cost of revenues also increased by 20.2%, resulting in a gross margin of $10.8 million, up from $8.4 million year-on-year. However, BigBear.ai experienced a net loss of $12.2 million for the quarter, compared to a net income of $4 million in the previous year. The loss was attributed to various factors, including a substantial increase in research and development expenses, which surged by 1194.6% to $3.8 million, and a goodwill impairment charge of $85 million recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. In terms of business development, BigBear.ai completed the acquisition of Pangiam Intermediate...Show More
BigBear.ai Holdings reported a significant increase in revenue for the third quarter of 2024, with revenues rising 22.1% to $41.5 million compared to $34 million in the same period of 2023. The company's cost of revenues also increased by 20.2%, resulting in a gross margin of $10.8 million, up from $8.4 million year-on-year. However, BigBear.ai experienced a net loss of $12.2 million for the quarter, compared to a net income of $4 million in the previous year. The loss was attributed to various factors, including a substantial increase in research and development expenses, which surged by 1194.6% to $3.8 million, and a goodwill impairment charge of $85 million recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. In terms of business development, BigBear.ai completed the acquisition of Pangiam Intermediate Holdings, LLC, a leader in vision AI, which is expected to enhance the company's AI capabilities and offerings. The acquisition is part of BigBear.ai's strategic growth initiatives and positions the company as a leader in AI operationalization at the edge.Looking ahead, BigBear.ai's future plans include leveraging the synergies from the Pangiam acquisition to drive adoption of its AI solutions. The company's financial performance is closely tied to U.S. federal government contracts, and the recent signing of the FY 2024 Consolidated Appropriations package, which includes Department of Defense funding, is expected to support key contracts. However, the company acknowledges that geopolitical tensions and the federal budget debate could impact future revenue and operations.
BigBear.ai控股公司報告稱,2024年第三季度營業收入顯著增長,營業收入比2023年同期增長22.1%,達到4150萬美元,而去年同期爲3400萬美元。公司營業成本也增加了20.2%,導致毛利率達到1080萬美元,同比增長320萬美元。然而,BigBear.ai在這個季度遭遇了1220萬美元的淨虧損,而去年同期淨利潤爲400萬美元。虧損歸因於多種因素,包括研發支出大幅增加,增長了1194.6%至380萬美元,以及2024年9月30日結束的九個月內確認的8500萬美元的商譽減值費用。在業務發展方面,BigBear.ai完成了對Pangiam Intermediate Holdings,L...展開全部
BigBear.ai控股公司報告稱,2024年第三季度營業收入顯著增長,營業收入比2023年同期增長22.1%,達到4150萬美元,而去年同期爲3400萬美元。公司營業成本也增加了20.2%,導致毛利率達到1080萬美元,同比增長320萬美元。然而,BigBear.ai在這個季度遭遇了1220萬美元的淨虧損,而去年同期淨利潤爲400萬美元。虧損歸因於多種因素,包括研發支出大幅增加,增長了1194.6%至380萬美元,以及2024年9月30日結束的九個月內確認的8500萬美元的商譽減值費用。在業務發展方面,BigBear.ai完成了對Pangiam Intermediate Holdings,LLC的收購,Pangiam是視覺人工智能領域的領導者,這將增強公司的人工智能能力和產品。該收購是BigBear.ai戰略增長計劃的一部分,將把公司定位爲邊緣人工智能操作的領導者。展望未來,BigBear.ai的計劃包括利用Pangiam收購帶來的協同效應推動其人工智能解決方案的採用。公司的財務表現與美國聯邦政府合同密切相關,最近簽署的2024財政年度綜合撥款方案,其中包括國防部經費,預計會支持關鍵合同。然而,公司承認地緣政治緊張局勢和聯邦預算辯論可能會影響未來的營業收入和業務。

財報季來臨,公司股價最易大升大跌,很多優秀的投資者會將財報季視為“大賺一筆”的好時機。 假設你現在持有某隻股票,該公司發佈財報後股價跳水,大跌10%,此時你會怎麼做? 短期波動不改長期增長邏輯,堅定持有 財報業績不及預期,馬上賣掉止盈止損 未來可能還要跌,賣掉之後反手做空 具體如何選擇?取決於我們是什麼類型的投資者,也
英偉達是近兩年美股中漲勢最好的科技巨頭之一,2024年以來股價更是經歷了顯著的增長,漲幅一度超過了兩倍。這樣的股價表現,首先在一定程度上反映了市場對其AI晶片地位的認可,還有對其前景的期待。 不過在今年1月底,受到DeepSeek低成本AI模型的衝擊,市場擔憂競爭格局發生變化,擔憂AI硬件的投資回報率會受影響,加上整體
又到了美股業績期。而巨頭公司的業績,不但會影響自己的股價,甚至還會影響整個美股市場的走勢,其中也可能蘊含著交易機會。 那麼,這些巨頭公司的業績該怎麼看呢?今天我們聚焦特斯拉,看看特斯拉的業績有哪些關鍵因素,可能會對股價帶來什麼明顯影響…… 1、銷量變化 首先,對新能源車企來說,最重要的觀察指標始終是總交付量, 或者說銷