
Lemonade | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

Lemonade | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

Lemonade | 10-Q:2024財年三季報
美股SEC公告 ·  11/01 02:06


Lemonade, a technology-driven insurance company, reported a significant increase in gross written premium for the third quarter of 2024, reaching $268.9 million, a 26% rise from $212.8 million in the same period in 2023. Net earned premium also saw an 11% increase to $95.7 million. The company's growth is attributed to a 17% year-over-year increase in customer base and a 6% rise in premium per customer. Lemonade's innovative approach includes AI-driven interactions for policy coverage and claims processing, aiming to make insurance more delightful and efficient. The company's reinsurance strategy has been effective in minimizing volatility and enhancing customer trust through initiatives like the annual 'Giveback' program. Lemonade has also secured financing agreements with GC Customer Value Arranger, LLC for sales and...Show More
Lemonade, a technology-driven insurance company, reported a significant increase in gross written premium for the third quarter of 2024, reaching $268.9 million, a 26% rise from $212.8 million in the same period in 2023. Net earned premium also saw an 11% increase to $95.7 million. The company's growth is attributed to a 17% year-over-year increase in customer base and a 6% rise in premium per customer. Lemonade's innovative approach includes AI-driven interactions for policy coverage and claims processing, aiming to make insurance more delightful and efficient. The company's reinsurance strategy has been effective in minimizing volatility and enhancing customer trust through initiatives like the annual 'Giveback' program. Lemonade has also secured financing agreements with GC Customer Value Arranger, LLC for sales and marketing growth efforts, with $67.4 million in outstanding borrowings as of September 30, 2024. Despite these positive developments, Lemonade reported a net loss of $67.7 million for the quarter, a 10% increase from the previous year. The company's future plans include continued investment in technology and marketing to drive customer acquisition and brand awareness, with the expectation that sales and marketing costs will decrease as a percentage of revenue over time.
Lemonade是一家以科技驅動的保險公司,報告稱2024年第三季度總保費大幅增加,達到26890萬美元,較2023年同期的21280萬美元增長了26%。淨賺取保費也增長了11%,達到9570萬美元。公司的增長歸因於客戶群體增長了17%,每位客戶的保費增長了6%。 Lemonade的創新方法包括通過人工智能驅動的互動來進行保單覆蓋和索賠處理,旨在使保險更加愉悅和高效。公司的再保險策略通過類似年度「回饋」計劃等舉措,有效地減少了波動性,並增強了客戶的trust。Lemonade還與GC客戶價值安排有限責任公司達成了融資協議,用於銷售和營銷增長努力,截至2024年9月30日的未償債務爲6740萬美元。 儘管有這些積極發展,Lemonade報告顯示季度淨損失6770萬美元,比去年同期增長了10%。公司未來計劃包括持續投資於科技和營銷,以推動客戶獲取和品牌知名度,並期望隨着時間推移,銷售和營銷成本將減少爲營業收入的百分比。
Lemonade是一家以科技驅動的保險公司,報告稱2024年第三季度總保費大幅增加,達到26890萬美元,較2023年同期的21280萬美元增長了26%。淨賺取保費也增長了11%,達到9570萬美元。公司的增長歸因於客戶群體增長了17%,每位客戶的保費增長了6%。 Lemonade的創新方法包括通過人工智能驅動的互動來進行保單覆蓋和索賠處理,旨在使保險更加愉悅和高效。公司的再保險策略通過類似年度「回饋」計劃等舉措,有效地減少了波動性,並增強了客戶的trust。Lemonade還與GC客戶價值安排有限責任公司達成了融資協議,用於銷售和營銷增長努力,截至2024年9月30日的未償債務爲6740萬美元。 儘管有這些積極發展,Lemonade報告顯示季度淨損失6770萬美元,比去年同期增長了10%。公司未來計劃包括持續投資於科技和營銷,以推動客戶獲取和品牌知名度,並期望隨着時間推移,銷售和營銷成本將減少爲營業收入的百分比。


