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AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd. (AgriFORCE), an Ag-Tech company specializing in controlled environment agriculture systems, has filed an amendment to its prospectus supplement related to a common stock offering. The amendment pertains to the prospectus supplement dated September 10, 2024, supplementing the prospectus dated August 18, 2022. The company aims to offer common stock worth $2,116,746, updating the availability under the existing Registration Statement declared effective by the SEC around August 18, 2022. This amendment does not introduce additional securities but updates previously filed information. AgriFORCE has an Equity Distribution Agreement with Maxim Group LLC, allowing the sale of common stock up to $3,080,000 through Maxim as a sales agent. The company's common stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol 'AGRI,' with the last reported sale...Show More
AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd. (AgriFORCE), an Ag-Tech company specializing in controlled environment agriculture systems, has filed an amendment to its prospectus supplement related to a common stock offering. The amendment pertains to the prospectus supplement dated September 10, 2024, supplementing the prospectus dated August 18, 2022. The company aims to offer common stock worth $2,116,746, updating the availability under the existing Registration Statement declared effective by the SEC around August 18, 2022. This amendment does not introduce additional securities but updates previously filed information. AgriFORCE has an Equity Distribution Agreement with Maxim Group LLC, allowing the sale of common stock up to $3,080,000 through Maxim as a sales agent. The company's common stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol 'AGRI,' with the last reported sale price being $0.0592 per share as of October 25, 2024. AgriFORCE is subject to General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S-3, limiting the sale of securities. The public float's aggregate market value is $8,750,240, based on non-affiliate holdings. The company has not offered securities under General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S3 in the past 12 months, except for a registered direct offering worth $800,000 on October 15, 2024. Sales under this prospectus supplement will be made through methods defined as 'at the market offerings.' Maxim will receive a commission of 3.0% of the gross sales price per share sold and will act as an 'underwriter' within the meaning of the Securities Act. AgriFORCE is also committed to indemnifying Maxim against certain liabilities. The company highlights significant risks involved in investing in its securities. The date of this Amendment No. 1 to prospectus supplement is October 28, 2024.
AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd.(AgriFORCE)是一家專門從事控制環境農業系統的農業科技公司,已就一項普通股發行提交了一份相關的招股補充說明書的修正。該修正涉及到截至2024年9月10日的招股補充說明書,對於補充完善了截至2022年8月18日的招股說明書的內容。公司打算提供價值2,116,746美元的普通股,更新了美國證券交易委員會於2022年8月18日左右宣佈生效的已有註冊聲明書下的可用性。此修正並未引入額外證券,而是更新了先前已申報的信息。AgriFORCE與Maxim Group LLC有一份股權分銷協議,允許通過Maxim最高達3,080,000美元的...展開全部
AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd.(AgriFORCE)是一家專門從事控制環境農業系統的農業科技公司,已就一項普通股發行提交了一份相關的招股補充說明書的修正。該修正涉及到截至2024年9月10日的招股補充說明書,對於補充完善了截至2022年8月18日的招股說明書的內容。公司打算提供價值2,116,746美元的普通股,更新了美國證券交易委員會於2022年8月18日左右宣佈生效的已有註冊聲明書下的可用性。此修正並未引入額外證券,而是更新了先前已申報的信息。AgriFORCE與Maxim Group LLC有一份股權分銷協議,允許通過Maxim最高達3,080,000美元的常股銷售,作爲銷售代理。公司的普通股在納斯達克交易,標的爲'AGRI',截至2024年10月25日,最後報告的銷售價格爲每股0.0592美元。AgriFORCE受到S-3表格的I.b.6一般指導限制證券的銷售。基於非關聯持股,公開流通股的總市值爲8,750,240美元。公司過去12個月未根據S3表格的I.b.6一般指導發行證券,除了在2024年10月15日進行的價值800,000美元的註冊直接發行。此招股補充說明書下的銷售將通過定義爲'市場發行'的方式進行。Maxim將按照每股售出價格的總銷售額的3.0%收取佣金,並將在《證券法案》的意義上擔任'承銷商'。AgriFORCE還致力於賠償Maxim針對某些責任。公司強調了投資其證券中涉及的重大風險。本次《招股說明書補充修正案》的日期是2024年10月28日。
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