
Twilio | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

Twilio | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

Twilio | 144:擬議出售證券
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/10/07 17:14


Twilio Inc officer, Wagner Dana, is set to sell 4,512 shares of common stock on 10/07/2024, as per the latest SEC filings. The shares to be sold were acquired through restricted stock lapses on various dates, with the most recent being on 09/30/2024. The securities were obtained as equity compensation from Twilio Inc. This planned sale follows a series of transactions over the past three months, where a total of 8,002 shares were sold by the officer, generating gross proceeds of approximately $509,891.
Twilio Inc officer, Wagner Dana, is set to sell 4,512 shares of common stock on 10/07/2024, as per the latest SEC filings. The shares to be sold were acquired through restricted stock lapses on various dates, with the most recent being on 09/30/2024. The securities were obtained as equity compensation from Twilio Inc. This planned sale follows a series of transactions over the past three months, where a total of 8,002 shares were sold by the officer, generating gross proceeds of approximately $509,891.
twilio公司高管Wagner Dana計劃於2024年10月7日賣出4,512股普通股,根據最新的SEC文件。待出售的股票是通過多個日期的限制性股票過期獲得的,最近的一次是在2024年9月30日。這些證券是作爲twilio公司的股權補償獲得的。此次計劃的出售是在過去三個月中一系列交易的基礎上進行的,該高管已經賣出了總計8,002股股票,獲得了約509,891美元的總收入。
twilio公司高管Wagner Dana計劃於2024年10月7日賣出4,512股普通股,根據最新的SEC文件。待出售的股票是通過多個日期的限制性股票過期獲得的,最近的一次是在2024年9月30日。這些證券是作爲twilio公司的股權補償獲得的。此次計劃的出售是在過去三個月中一系列交易的基礎上進行的,該高管已經賣出了總計8,002股股票,獲得了約509,891美元的總收入。


