
bluebird bio | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

bluebird bio | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

bluebird bio | 144:擬議出售證券
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/10/02 01:36


Thomas J Klima, an officer at Bluebird Bio, Inc., is set to sell 1,006 common shares of the company on 09/30/2024, as per the latest filing. The shares to be sold were part of a larger acquisition of 2,750 shares on 09/01/2022, which were obtained as restricted stock units that vested and are being sold due to withholding taxes. The transaction is part of a pre-planned trading arrangement set on 05/10/2023. No other sales have been reported in the past three months.
Thomas J Klima, an officer at Bluebird Bio, Inc., is set to sell 1,006 common shares of the company on 09/30/2024, as per the latest filing. The shares to be sold were part of a larger acquisition of 2,750 shares on 09/01/2022, which were obtained as restricted stock units that vested and are being sold due to withholding taxes. The transaction is part of a pre-planned trading arrangement set on 05/10/2023. No other sales have been reported in the past three months.
Bluebird Bio, Inc.的官員Thomas J Klima計劃於2024年09月30日賣出1,006股公司普通股,根據最新的申報文件。待售股份是2022年09月01日更大規模收購的2,750股的一部分,該股份是作爲被授予的限制性股票單位,已經解鎖並正在出售以支付預扣稅。此交易是根據2023年05月10日製定的預先計劃的交易安排。過去三個月內沒有其他銷售數據報告。
Bluebird Bio, Inc.的官員Thomas J Klima計劃於2024年09月30日賣出1,006股公司普通股,根據最新的申報文件。待售股份是2022年09月01日更大規模收購的2,750股的一部分,該股份是作爲被授予的限制性股票單位,已經解鎖並正在出售以支付預扣稅。此交易是根據2023年05月10日製定的預先計劃的交易安排。過去三個月內沒有其他銷售數據報告。


