
DEFA14A: Others

DEFA14A: Others

美股SEC公告 ·  09/20 23:37
Signing Day Sports, Inc. has announced a special meeting of stockholders to be held on October 10, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time in Scottsdale, Arizona. The primary agenda for the meeting includes the approval of one or more amendments to the company's Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to effect a reverse stock split of the company's common stock. The proposed split ratio ranges from 1-for-2 to 1-for-100, as determined by the Board, with the authority to abandon the amendments if deemed necessary. Additionally, stockholders will vote on whether to approve the adjournment of the Special Meeting, if necessary, to solicit additional proxies or establish a quorum. The record date for stockholders entitled to vote has been...Show More
Signing Day Sports, Inc. has announced a special meeting of stockholders to be held on October 10, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time in Scottsdale, Arizona. The primary agenda for the meeting includes the approval of one or more amendments to the company's Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to effect a reverse stock split of the company's common stock. The proposed split ratio ranges from 1-for-2 to 1-for-100, as determined by the Board, with the authority to abandon the amendments if deemed necessary. Additionally, stockholders will vote on whether to approve the adjournment of the Special Meeting, if necessary, to solicit additional proxies or establish a quorum. The record date for stockholders entitled to vote has been set for September 16, 2024. Proxy materials are available online, and stockholders are encouraged to review them before voting. The Board of Directors recommends voting 'FOR' all the proposals. The meeting's notice emphasizes that this communication is not a form for voting but an overview of the proxy materials, which contain important information and are available on the internet or by mail or email.
Signing Day Sports公司宣佈將於2024年10月10日上午10:00在亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾舉行股東特別會議。會議的主要議程包括批准對公司的第二份修訂章程進行一項或多項修正,以實施公司普通股的逆向拆股。擬議的拆股比例範圍爲1股對2股至1股對100股,由董事會決定,並有權放棄修正案如果被認爲有必要的話。此外,股東將投票決定是否批准特別會議的休會,如果需要,可以再次徵集委託書或建立法定人數。股東有權投票的記錄日期已定爲2024年9月16日。委託書材料可在線上獲取,股東被鼓勵在投票前審閱。董事會建議投票「贊成」所有提案。會議通知強調,這份通信不是投票表格,而是委託書材料的概述,其中包含重要信息,並可通過互聯網、郵寄或電子郵件獲得。
Signing Day Sports公司宣佈將於2024年10月10日上午10:00在亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾舉行股東特別會議。會議的主要議程包括批准對公司的第二份修訂章程進行一項或多項修正,以實施公司普通股的逆向拆股。擬議的拆股比例範圍爲1股對2股至1股對100股,由董事會決定,並有權放棄修正案如果被認爲有必要的話。此外,股東將投票決定是否批准特別會議的休會,如果需要,可以再次徵集委託書或建立法定人數。股東有權投票的記錄日期已定爲2024年9月16日。委託書材料可在線上獲取,股東被鼓勵在投票前審閱。董事會建議投票「贊成」所有提案。會議通知強調,這份通信不是投票表格,而是委託書材料的概述,其中包含重要信息,並可通過互聯網、郵寄或電子郵件獲得。


