
Hawaiian Holdings | 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Director Hershfield Lawrence

Hawaiian Holdings | 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Director Hershfield Lawrence

夏威夷控股 | 4:持股變動聲明-董事 Hershfield Lawrence
美股SEC公告 ·  09/20 04:05


In a recent transaction dated 09/18/2024, Lawrence Hershfield, associated with Hawaiian Holdings Inc [HA], has disposed of 352,330 shares of common stock. The transaction has reduced Hershfield's direct holdings in the company to zero. This significant change in ownership was executed under transaction code 'D', indicating a disposition of shares. The financial details of the transaction, including the price per share and the total value, were not disclosed in the announcement.
In a recent transaction dated 09/18/2024, Lawrence Hershfield, associated with Hawaiian Holdings Inc [HA], has disposed of 352,330 shares of common stock. The transaction has reduced Hershfield's direct holdings in the company to zero. This significant change in ownership was executed under transaction code 'D', indicating a disposition of shares. The financial details of the transaction, including the price per share and the total value, were not disclosed in the announcement.
在最近的交易中,勞倫斯·赫舍菲爾德(Lawrence Hershfield)與夏威夷控股公司(Hawaiian Holdings Inc [HA])有關,已經處置了352,330股普通股。此次交易將赫舍菲爾德在該公司的直接持股額減少至零。這一重大的股權變動是在「D」交易代碼下執行的,表明進行了股份處置。交易的財務細節,包括每股價格和總價值,在公告中未披露。
在最近的交易中,勞倫斯·赫舍菲爾德(Lawrence Hershfield)與夏威夷控股公司(Hawaiian Holdings Inc [HA])有關,已經處置了352,330股普通股。此次交易將赫舍菲爾德在該公司的直接持股額減少至零。這一重大的股權變動是在「D」交易代碼下執行的,表明進行了股份處置。交易的財務細節,包括每股價格和總價值,在公告中未披露。


