
CWG: Notice to holders of the warrants in relation to the adjustments to the exercise price and the number of the outstanding warrants in accordance with the provisions of the Deed Poll dated 14 February 2022 pursuant to the renounceable rights issue of up to 147,317,119 new ordinary shares in CWG Holdings Berhad ("CWG" or the "Company") ("CWG Share(s)" or "Share(s)") ("Rights Share(s)") at the issue price of RM0.18 per Rights Share, on the basis of 3 Rights Shares for every 5 existing CWG Shares held as at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 9 September 2024

CWG:根據CWG Holdings Berhad(「CWG」 或 「公司」)(「CWG 股份」 或 「股份」)(「CWG」 或 「本公司」)(「CWG股份」 或 「股份」)最多147,317,119股可放棄的供股權,根據2022年2月14日契約投票的規定調整行使價和未履行認股權證數量向認股權證持有人發出的通知 (s)”) 的發行價爲每股供股0.18令吉,基準是截至2024年9月9日星期一下午5點每持有5股現有CWG股份獲3股供股股份

馬來西亞交易所 ·  2024/09/19 11:01

