
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  09/17 04:17
On September 16, 2024, Signing Day Sports, Inc. (the "Company"), a Delaware corporation, entered into a material definitive agreement by issuing a promissory note to its CEO, Chairman, and director, Daniel D. Nelson. The note, dated the same day, is for a principal amount of $100,000, allowing for advances up to the full amount. Interest on the note is set at a monthly rate of 20%, compounded monthly, starting from the 30th day post-issuance. The total interest will accumulate rapidly, reaching $20,000 by the end of the first month and increasing thereafter. The note's principal, advances, and accrued interest are due on the earlier of December 16, 2024, or upon the Company receiving funding of $1,000,000. Full payment is required within two business days of a written demand from Mr. Nelson after the maturity date. The Company retains the option to prepay without penalty. This financial obligation was disclosed in the Company's Form 8-K filed with the SEC, with the promissory note attached as Exhibit 4.1.
On September 16, 2024, Signing Day Sports, Inc. (the "Company"), a Delaware corporation, entered into a material definitive agreement by issuing a promissory note to its CEO, Chairman, and director, Daniel D. Nelson. The note, dated the same day, is for a principal amount of $100,000, allowing for advances up to the full amount. Interest on the note is set at a monthly rate of 20%, compounded monthly, starting from the 30th day post-issuance. The total interest will accumulate rapidly, reaching $20,000 by the end of the first month and increasing thereafter. The note's principal, advances, and accrued interest are due on the earlier of December 16, 2024, or upon the Company receiving funding of $1,000,000. Full payment is required within two business days of a written demand from Mr. Nelson after the maturity date. The Company retains the option to prepay without penalty. This financial obligation was disclosed in the Company's Form 8-K filed with the SEC, with the promissory note attached as Exhibit 4.1.
在2024年9月16日,Signing Day Sports公司(以下簡稱「公司」),一家特拉華州公司,通過發行一份借據向其首席執行官、主席和董事丹尼爾·D·納爾遜達成了一項重大的明確協議。該借據於同一天起具有法律效力,總金額爲$100,000,可提前支付全額。該借據的利息設定爲每月20%,按月複利計算,自發行後30天開始計息。利息總額將迅速累積,到第一個月末達到$20,000,之後還會繼續增加。該借據的本金、提前支付以及應計利息應於2024年12月16日或公司接到$1,000,000的資金時較早的時間到期。在到期日後,納爾遜先生以書面要求爲前提,公司有義務在兩個工作日內全額支付。公司保留提前還款而不受罰款的權利。此項財務義務已在公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-k表格中披露,借據作爲附件4.1。
在2024年9月16日,Signing Day Sports公司(以下簡稱「公司」),一家特拉華州公司,通過發行一份借據向其首席執行官、主席和董事丹尼爾·D·納爾遜達成了一項重大的明確協議。該借據於同一天起具有法律效力,總金額爲$100,000,可提前支付全額。該借據的利息設定爲每月20%,按月複利計算,自發行後30天開始計息。利息總額將迅速累積,到第一個月末達到$20,000,之後還會繼續增加。該借據的本金、提前支付以及應計利息應於2024年12月16日或公司接到$1,000,000的資金時較早的時間到期。在到期日後,納爾遜先生以書面要求爲前提,公司有義務在兩個工作日內全額支付。公司保留提前還款而不受罰款的權利。此項財務義務已在公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-k表格中披露,借據作爲附件4.1。


