
GlobalFoundries | CORRESP: CORRESP

GlobalFoundries | CORRESP: CORRESP

GlobalFoundries | CORRESP:信函
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/06 03:46


GlobalFoundries Inc. has responded to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding comments on its financial disclosures. The SEC's Division of Corporation Finance had provided feedback on GlobalFoundries' Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and Form 6-K furnished on May 7, 2024. The semiconductor manufacturer acknowledged the SEC's comments and committed to revising its future financial disclosures to address the concerns raised. These revisions will include re-titling certain non-IFRS measures to reflect adjustments, providing a reconciliation of Non-IFRS EBITDA margin to the most directly comparable IFRS measure, detailing intermediate causes of changes in operating results, and disclosing inventory write-downs and reversals. GlobalFoundries will implement these changes starting with its earnings release for the second fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2024, and in subsequent filings, including the annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024. The company's CFO, John Hollister, signed the letter to the SEC, which also included contacts for the CEO, Audit Committee Chair, Chief Legal Officer, and Chief Accounting Officer.
GlobalFoundries Inc. has responded to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding comments on its financial disclosures. The SEC's Division of Corporation Finance had provided feedback on GlobalFoundries' Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and Form 6-K furnished on May 7, 2024. The semiconductor manufacturer acknowledged the SEC's comments and committed to revising its future financial disclosures to address the concerns raised. These revisions will include re-titling certain non-IFRS measures to reflect adjustments, providing a reconciliation of Non-IFRS EBITDA margin to the most directly comparable IFRS measure, detailing intermediate causes of changes in operating results, and disclosing inventory write-downs and reversals. GlobalFoundries will implement these changes starting with its earnings release for the second fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2024, and in subsequent filings, including the annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024. The company's CFO, John Hollister, signed the letter to the SEC, which also included contacts for the CEO, Audit Committee Chair, Chief Legal Officer, and Chief Accounting Officer.
GlobalFoundries Inc.已回應美國證券交易委員會(SEC)關於其財務披露的評論。SEC的公司金融部門就GlobalFoundries的2023財年和2024年5月7日提交的20-F表格和6-k表格提供了反饋。這家半導體制造商承認了SEC的評論,並承諾修訂未來的財務披露以解決所提出的問題。這些修訂將包括重新命名某些非IFRS指標以反映調整情況,提供非IFRS EBITDA利潤率與最直接可比的IFRS指標的調和,詳細說明經營結果變化的中間原因,並披露庫存減值和逆轉。GlobalFoundries將從2024年6月30日截止的第二財季業績開始實施這些變化,並在後續的文件中包括截止於2024年12月31日的年度報告。該公司首席財務官John Hollister在致SEC的信中籤署了該信,信中還附上了首席執行官、審計委員會主席、首席法務官和首席會計官的聯繫方式。
GlobalFoundries Inc.已回應美國證券交易委員會(SEC)關於其財務披露的評論。SEC的公司金融部門就GlobalFoundries的2023財年和2024年5月7日提交的20-F表格和6-k表格提供了反饋。這家半導體制造商承認了SEC的評論,並承諾修訂未來的財務披露以解決所提出的問題。這些修訂將包括重新命名某些非IFRS指標以反映調整情況,提供非IFRS EBITDA利潤率與最直接可比的IFRS指標的調和,詳細說明經營結果變化的中間原因,並披露庫存減值和逆轉。GlobalFoundries將從2024年6月30日截止的第二財季業績開始實施這些變化,並在後續的文件中包括截止於2024年12月31日的年度報告。該公司首席財務官John Hollister在致SEC的信中籤署了該信,信中還附上了首席執行官、審計委員會主席、首席法務官和首席會計官的聯繫方式。


