
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

美股SEC公告 ·  08/29 18:21
Alterity Therapeutics Limited, a biotechnology company focused on developing treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, has released its preliminary final report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The report indicates a significant increase in revenue, up 1,533.1% to $268,419, primarily from interest received on the company's bank accounts. Despite the revenue increase, the company reported a net loss after tax of $19,123,464, which is 38.5% higher than the previous year. The net tangible asset backing per share decreased from 0.94 cents to 0.27 cents. No dividends were paid or recommended during the financial year. The company's cash position as of June 30, 2024, was $12,638,885, a decrease from the previous year's $15,773,783. The financial statements are currently being audited, with the audited financial statements and independent auditor's report...Show More
Alterity Therapeutics Limited, a biotechnology company focused on developing treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, has released its preliminary final report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The report indicates a significant increase in revenue, up 1,533.1% to $268,419, primarily from interest received on the company's bank accounts. Despite the revenue increase, the company reported a net loss after tax of $19,123,464, which is 38.5% higher than the previous year. The net tangible asset backing per share decreased from 0.94 cents to 0.27 cents. No dividends were paid or recommended during the financial year. The company's cash position as of June 30, 2024, was $12,638,885, a decrease from the previous year's $15,773,783. The financial statements are currently being audited, with the audited financial statements and independent auditor's report expected by September 30, 2024. The report also mentions a material uncertainty related to the company's ability to continue as a going concern. Alterity Therapeutics has two wholly-owned subsidiaries in the United States and the United Kingdom. Following the reporting period, on July 17, 2024, the company announced positive interim data from its phase 2 clinical trial for ATH434, which led to a subsequent share issuance through its ATM facility on July 18, 2024, raising additional funds for working capital and research and development activities.
Alterity Therapeutics Limited,一家專注於開發神經退化性疾病治療的生物技術公司,發佈了截至2024年6月30日的財政年度初步報告。報告顯示收入大幅增長,達到268,419美元,增長了1,533.1%,主要來源於公司銀行帳戶上的利息收入。儘管收入增加,公司彙報的稅後淨虧損爲19,123,464美元,比上一年增長了38.5%。每股淨有形資產減少了從0.94美分到0.27美分。財年期間未支付或推薦任何股息。截至2024年6月30日,公司現金餘額爲12,638,885美元,低於上一年的15,773,783美元。目前正對財務報表進行審計,預計將於2024年9月30日出具審計財...展開全部
Alterity Therapeutics Limited,一家專注於開發神經退化性疾病治療的生物技術公司,發佈了截至2024年6月30日的財政年度初步報告。報告顯示收入大幅增長,達到268,419美元,增長了1,533.1%,主要來源於公司銀行帳戶上的利息收入。儘管收入增加,公司彙報的稅後淨虧損爲19,123,464美元,比上一年增長了38.5%。每股淨有形資產減少了從0.94美分到0.27美分。財年期間未支付或推薦任何股息。截至2024年6月30日,公司現金餘額爲12,638,885美元,低於上一年的15,773,783美元。目前正對財務報表進行審計,預計將於2024年9月30日出具審計財務報表和獨立核數師報告。報告還提到與公司作爲繼續營業實體的能力相關的重大不確定性。Alterity Therapeutics在美國和英國擁有兩個全資子公司。報告期後,於2024年7月17日,公司宣佈了其ATH434第2期臨床試驗的積極中期數據,隨後於2024年7月18日通過其ATm平台發行股票,爲運營資金和研發活動籌集了額外資金。


