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T2 Biosystems | 424B5: Prospectus
T2 Biosystems | 424B5: Prospectus
T2 Biosystems | 424B5:募資說明書
T2 Biosystems, a company trading under the symbol TTOO on the Nasdaq Capital Market, has filed a prospectus supplement on August 23, 2024, to increase the maximum amount of shares available for sale under its At The Market Offering Agreement with H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC. The supplement amends the previous sales agreement prospectus dated July 29, 2024, raising the potential offering to $13,390,000 of common stock. This adjustment is in accordance with the offering limitations set by General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S-3, which restricts the company to sell securities in public primary offerings up to one-third of its public float within a 12-month period, as long as the public float is below $75 million. As of June 24, 2024, the aggregate market value of T2 Biosystems' common stock held by non-affiliates was $48,487,620. The company has previously sold $2,772,114 of securities in the 12 months leading up to the date of the prospectus supplement. The last reported sale price of T2 Biosystems' common stock was $3.50 per share on August 22, 2024.
T2 Biosystems, a company trading under the symbol TTOO on the Nasdaq Capital Market, has filed a prospectus supplement on August 23, 2024, to increase the maximum amount of shares available for sale under its At The Market Offering Agreement with H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC. The supplement amends the previous sales agreement prospectus dated July 29, 2024, raising the potential offering to $13,390,000 of common stock. This adjustment is in accordance with the offering limitations set by General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S-3, which restricts the company to sell securities in public primary offerings up to one-third of its public float within a 12-month period, as long as the public float is below $75 million. As of June 24, 2024, the aggregate market value of T2 Biosystems' common stock held by non-affiliates was $48,487,620. The company has previously sold $2,772,114 of securities in the 12 months leading up to the date of the prospectus supplement. The last reported sale price of T2 Biosystems' common stock was $3.50 per share on August 22, 2024.
t2 biosystems,一家在納斯達克資本市場上以股票代碼TTOO交易的公司,已於2024年8月23日文件了招股說明書補充,以增加按照與H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC簽訂的市場上市協議中可賣出的最大股份數量。該補充修改了2024年7月29日的前期銷售協議招股說明書,將潛在發行量提高至1339萬美元的普通股。此調整符合Form S-3的I.b.6總則規定的發行限制,該規定限制公司在12個月內在公開首次發行中最多賣出其公開流通股的三分之一,前提是公開流通股低於7500萬美元。截至2024年6月24日,非關聯方持有的t2 biosystems普通股的累計市值爲4848.7620萬美元。該公司在招股說明書補充日期前12個月內曾銷售277.2114萬美元的證券。t2 biosystems普通股的最近報價爲2024年8月22日的每股3.50美元。
t2 biosystems,一家在納斯達克資本市場上以股票代碼TTOO交易的公司,已於2024年8月23日文件了招股說明書補充,以增加按照與H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC簽訂的市場上市協議中可賣出的最大股份數量。該補充修改了2024年7月29日的前期銷售協議招股說明書,將潛在發行量提高至1339萬美元的普通股。此調整符合Form S-3的I.b.6總則規定的發行限制,該規定限制公司在12個月內在公開首次發行中最多賣出其公開流通股的三分之一,前提是公開流通股低於7500萬美元。截至2024年6月24日,非關聯方持有的t2 biosystems普通股的累計市值爲4848.7620萬美元。該公司在招股說明書補充日期前12個月內曾銷售277.2114萬美元的證券。t2 biosystems普通股的最近報價爲2024年8月22日的每股3.50美元。
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