
NaaS Technology | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

NaaS Technology | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

能鏈智電 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/16 04:07


NaaS Technology Inc. has submitted its unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2024, ending June 30, to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission through Form 6-K.The filing, authorized by CFO Steven Sim, will be incorporated into the company's Form F-3 registration statement (File No. 333-273515) and will become an integral part of the company's documentation from the date of submission, unless superseded by subsequent filings.
NaaS Technology Inc. has submitted its unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2024, ending June 30, to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission through Form 6-K.The filing, authorized by CFO Steven Sim, will be incorporated into the company's Form F-3 registration statement (File No. 333-273515) and will become an integral part of the company's documentation from the date of submission, unless superseded by subsequent filings.


