
WiSA Technologies | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

WiSA Technologies | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

WiSA Technologies | 10-Q:2024財年二季報
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/15 04:36


WiSA Technologies reported Q2 2024 revenue of $345,000, down 19% from $425,000 in Q2 2023, primarily due to lower Consumer Audio Product sales amid a slowdown in consumer electronics spending. The company achieved a small gross profit of $11,000 compared to a gross deficit of $201,000 in the prior year quarter, reflecting improved inventory management.Operating expenses increased to $5.4 million from $4.5 million in Q2 2023, driven mainly by higher investor relations and legal expenses, though partially offset by reduced R&D and marketing costs. The net loss significantly widened to $42.7 million from $5.3 million, largely due to a $37.3 million non-cash loss from changes in warrant liabilities following the April 2024 reverse stock split.The company ended Q2 with $6.1 million in cash, up from $411,000 at year-end 2023, bolstered by several equity offerings raising approximately $20 million during the quarter. However, management indicates additional funding will be needed in Q4 2024 to support operations through 2025, as substantial doubt remains about the company's ability to continue as a going concern.
WiSA Technologies reported Q2 2024 revenue of $345,000, down 19% from $425,000 in Q2 2023, primarily due to lower Consumer Audio Product sales amid a slowdown in consumer electronics spending. The company achieved a small gross profit of $11,000 compared to a gross deficit of $201,000 in the prior year quarter, reflecting improved inventory management.Operating expenses increased to $5.4 million from $4.5 million in Q2 2023, driven mainly by higher investor relations and legal expenses, though partially offset by reduced R&D and marketing costs. The net loss significantly widened to $42.7 million from $5.3 million, largely due to a $37.3 million non-cash loss from changes in warrant liabilities following the April 2024 reverse stock split.The company ended Q2 with $6.1 million in cash, up from $411,000 at year-end 2023, bolstered by several equity offerings raising approximately $20 million during the quarter. However, management indicates additional funding will be needed in Q4 2024 to support operations through 2025, as substantial doubt remains about the company's ability to continue as a going concern.
WiSA Technologies報告稱2024年第二季度營業收入爲$345,000,比2023年第二季度的$425,000下降了19%,主要是由於消費者電子支出放緩導致消費者音頻產品銷售下降。該公司實現了$11,000的毛利潤,較去年同期的$201,000的毛虧損有所改善,反映出庫存管理的改善。 營業費用從2023年第二季度的$450萬增加到$540萬,主要受到更高的投資者關係和法律費用的推動,雖然部分被研發和市場費用的減少所抵消。淨虧損顯著擴大,從$530萬增加到$4270萬,主要由於2024年4月反向股票分拆後,權證負債變化導致的$3730萬的非現金損失。 公司在2024年第二季度結束時現金爲$610萬,較2023年年末的$411,000有所增加,得益於季度內幾項融資活動,共籌集了約$2000萬。但是,管理層表示,2024年第四季度仍需額外資金支持2025年的運營,因爲公司持續經營的能力仍然存在相當大的疑慮。
WiSA Technologies報告稱2024年第二季度營業收入爲$345,000,比2023年第二季度的$425,000下降了19%,主要是由於消費者電子支出放緩導致消費者音頻產品銷售下降。該公司實現了$11,000的毛利潤,較去年同期的$201,000的毛虧損有所改善,反映出庫存管理的改善。 營業費用從2023年第二季度的$450萬增加到$540萬,主要受到更高的投資者關係和法律費用的推動,雖然部分被研發和市場費用的減少所抵消。淨虧損顯著擴大,從$530萬增加到$4270萬,主要由於2024年4月反向股票分拆後,權證負債變化導致的$3730萬的非現金損失。 公司在2024年第二季度結束時現金爲$610萬,較2023年年末的$411,000有所增加,得益於季度內幾項融資活動,共籌集了約$2000萬。但是,管理層表示,2024年第四季度仍需額外資金支持2025年的運營,因爲公司持續經營的能力仍然存在相當大的疑慮。


