
DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

DEF 14A:股東委託書決議
美股SEC公告 ·  08/09 18:27
On June 18, 2024, Signing Day Sports, Inc. successfully completed amendments to several transaction documents and related agreements with FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund, LLC. The amendments included changes to the Securities Purchase Agreement, Senior Secured Promissory Note, and Common Stock Purchase Warrants. A new Senior Secured Promissory Note was issued for $198,611.00, which holds the same priority as the original note and does not trigger an Event of Default or breach the original agreement. The company is now permitted to issue securities under the new June 2024 Transaction Documents without violating the original agreement. Key provisions include restrictions on the company's ability to engage in Variable Rate Transactions, a commitment to maintain director and officer insurance, and a requirement to obtain Shareholder Approval...Show More
On June 18, 2024, Signing Day Sports, Inc. successfully completed amendments to several transaction documents and related agreements with FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund, LLC. The amendments included changes to the Securities Purchase Agreement, Senior Secured Promissory Note, and Common Stock Purchase Warrants. A new Senior Secured Promissory Note was issued for $198,611.00, which holds the same priority as the original note and does not trigger an Event of Default or breach the original agreement. The company is now permitted to issue securities under the new June 2024 Transaction Documents without violating the original agreement. Key provisions include restrictions on the company's ability to engage in Variable Rate Transactions, a commitment to maintain director and officer insurance, and a requirement to obtain Shareholder Approval for certain share issuances. The $175,000.00 Purchase Price from the Second Note will be allocated to business development and general working capital. The closing of the transaction is contingent upon meeting specific conditions, including the delivery of transaction documents and the receipt of the Purchase Price. Delaware law will govern the agreement, which also stipulates binding arbitration in Delaware for any disputes. The company has agreed to provide the Buyer with the same information as shareholders and to publicly disclose any material non-public information. Additionally, the company has issued irrevocable instructions to its transfer agent regarding the issuance of shares and acknowledges the dilutive effect of the Conversion Shares and Exercise Shares, agreeing to various operational covenants.
簽約體育公司(Signing Day Sports, Inc.)於2024年6月18日成功完成與FirstFire全球機遇基金(FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund,LLC)的多項交易文件和相關協議的修改,該修改包括證券購買協議、優先有擔保可轉換票據和普通股購買權證書的更改。發行了一份新的優先有擔保票據,票面金額爲198,611.00美元,與原票據具有相同的優先權,不會引發違約事件或違反原協議。公司現在可以在新的2024年6月交易文件下發行證券,而不違反原協議。主要條款包括限制公司從事變量利率交易的能力、承諾維持董事和高管人員保險以及在某些股份發行中需要獲得股...展開全部
簽約體育公司(Signing Day Sports, Inc.)於2024年6月18日成功完成與FirstFire全球機遇基金(FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund,LLC)的多項交易文件和相關協議的修改,該修改包括證券購買協議、優先有擔保可轉換票據和普通股購買權證書的更改。發行了一份新的優先有擔保票據,票面金額爲198,611.00美元,與原票據具有相同的優先權,不會引發違約事件或違反原協議。公司現在可以在新的2024年6月交易文件下發行證券,而不違反原協議。主要條款包括限制公司從事變量利率交易的能力、承諾維持董事和高管人員保險以及在某些股份發行中需要獲得股東批准。 第二票據的175,000.00美元的購買價格將用於業務發展和一般營運資本。交易的完成取決於滿足特定條件,包括提交交易文件和收到購買價格。特拉華法律將管轄該協議,並規定任何爭端的仲裁應在特拉華舉行。公司已同意向購買者提供股東相同的信息,並公開披露任何非公開重要信息。此外,公司已向其轉移代理發出不可撤銷的指令,關於股份的發行,並承認轉換股份和行權股份的稀釋效應,同意各種營運契約。


