
10-Q: Quarterly report

10-Q: Quarterly report

美股SEC公告 ·  08/08 04:22
Collective Audience, Inc. (CAUD), a Delaware-based company, reported its financial performance for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The company experienced a net loss of $1,211,381, with a basic and diluted net loss per share of $0.09. This loss from operations was primarily due to legal costs and SEC filings post-business combination. The company's revenue for the quarter was reported at $0, indicating a focus on completing the Initial Business Combination announced on October 31, 2023. Operating expenses included sales and marketing costs of $50,000 and general and administrative expenses of $783,663. The company also reported a total other income expense of $377,717 for the quarter. Collective Audience, Inc. has undergone significant business development, including the acquisition of DSL Digital, LLC, and BeOp, which are expected to...Show More
Collective Audience, Inc. (CAUD), a Delaware-based company, reported its financial performance for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The company experienced a net loss of $1,211,381, with a basic and diluted net loss per share of $0.09. This loss from operations was primarily due to legal costs and SEC filings post-business combination. The company's revenue for the quarter was reported at $0, indicating a focus on completing the Initial Business Combination announced on October 31, 2023. Operating expenses included sales and marketing costs of $50,000 and general and administrative expenses of $783,663. The company also reported a total other income expense of $377,717 for the quarter. Collective Audience, Inc. has undergone significant business development, including the acquisition of DSL Digital, LLC, and BeOp, which are expected to enhance its B2B and DTC advertising channels. Looking ahead, the company plans to continue its expansion into B2B advertising and media. However, the company faces uncertainties, including fluctuating advertising revenues and a competitive landscape. Collective Audience, Inc. is actively monitoring these factors to effectively navigate the media environment. The company's future plans include exploring strategic alliances and potential financing options to address liquidity concerns and support operations.
總受衆股份有限公司(CAUD)是一家註冊於特拉華州的公司,它公佈了截至2024年3月31日的財務業績。該公司錄得淨虧損1,211,381美元,基本和攤薄每股淨虧損爲0.09美元。這項營業虧損主要由於在業務合併後的法律費用和證券交易委員會(SEC)申報而引起。該公司本季度的營收爲0美元,表明其關注於完成於2023年10月31日公告的初始業務組合。營業費用包括銷售和營銷成本爲50,000美元,總部和管理費用爲783,663美元。該公司還報告了本季度的其他總收入支出爲377,717美元。總受衆股份有限公司已經經歷了重大的業務發展,包括收購DSL Digital LLC和BeOp,這些收購有望增強其B...展開全部
總受衆股份有限公司(CAUD)是一家註冊於特拉華州的公司,它公佈了截至2024年3月31日的財務業績。該公司錄得淨虧損1,211,381美元,基本和攤薄每股淨虧損爲0.09美元。這項營業虧損主要由於在業務合併後的法律費用和證券交易委員會(SEC)申報而引起。該公司本季度的營收爲0美元,表明其關注於完成於2023年10月31日公告的初始業務組合。營業費用包括銷售和營銷成本爲50,000美元,總部和管理費用爲783,663美元。該公司還報告了本季度的其他總收入支出爲377,717美元。總受衆股份有限公司已經經歷了重大的業務發展,包括收購DSL Digital LLC和BeOp,這些收購有望增強其B20億和DTC廣告渠道。展望未來,該公司計劃繼續擴張其B20億廣告和媒體業務。然而,該公司面臨着不確定因素,包括波動的廣告收入和競爭環境。總受衆股份有限公司正在積極監測這些因素,以有效應對媒體環境。該公司未來的計劃包括探索戰略聯盟和潛在融資選擇,以解決流動性問題並支持運營。


