
Opendoor Technologies | 8-K: Opendoor Announces Second Quarter of 2024 Financial Results

Opendoor Technologies | 8-K: Opendoor Announces Second Quarter of 2024 Financial Results

Opendoor Technologies | 8-K:Opendoor公佈2024年第二季度財務業績
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/02 04:27


Opendoor Technologies reported Q2 2024 revenue of $1.5 billion, down 24% YoY but up 28% QoQ, with 4,078 homes sold. The company achieved a gross profit of $129 million and improved Contribution Margin to 6.3%, compared to -4.6% in Q2 2023. Adjusted EBITDA loss narrowed to $5 million, showing significant improvement from -$168 million last year.Home purchases grew 78% YoY to 4,771 units, while inventory balance increased 94% YoY to $2.2 billion, representing 6,399 homes. However, the company noted market slowdown signals in late Q2 and adjusted its strategy to balance growth, margin, and risk in the challenging environment.For Q3 2024, Opendoor expects revenue between $1.2-1.3 billion, Contribution Profit of $35-45 million, and Adjusted EBITDA between -$70 to -$60 million. Management remains focused on increasing acquisitions and reducing Adjusted Net Losses compared to 2023, while implementing structural efficiencies across the platform.
Opendoor Technologies reported Q2 2024 revenue of $1.5 billion, down 24% YoY but up 28% QoQ, with 4,078 homes sold. The company achieved a gross profit of $129 million and improved Contribution Margin to 6.3%, compared to -4.6% in Q2 2023. Adjusted EBITDA loss narrowed to $5 million, showing significant improvement from -$168 million last year.Home purchases grew 78% YoY to 4,771 units, while inventory balance increased 94% YoY to $2.2 billion, representing 6,399 homes. However, the company noted market slowdown signals in late Q2 and adjusted its strategy to balance growth, margin, and risk in the challenging environment.For Q3 2024, Opendoor expects revenue between $1.2-1.3 billion, Contribution Profit of $35-45 million, and Adjusted EBITDA between -$70 to -$60 million. Management remains focused on increasing acquisitions and reducing Adjusted Net Losses compared to 2023, while implementing structural efficiencies across the platform.
Opendoor Technologies 報告了 2024 年第二季度營業收入爲 15億美元,同比下降 24%,環比增長 28%,售出 4,078 套房屋。公司實現了 12900萬美元的毛利潤,貢獻利潤率提升至 6.3%,相比 2023 年第二季度的 -4.6% 有所改善。調整後的 EBITDA 虧損收窄至 500萬美元,顯示出相比於去年 16800萬美元的顯著改善。房屋購買同比增長 78%,達到 4,771 套,而庫存餘額同比增加 94%,達 22億美元,代表 6,399 套房屋。然而,公司注意到在第二季度末市場放緩的信號,並調整其策略以在充滿挑戰的環境中平衡增長、利潤和風險。對於 202...展開全部
Opendoor Technologies 報告了 2024 年第二季度營業收入爲 15億美元,同比下降 24%,環比增長 28%,售出 4,078 套房屋。公司實現了 12900萬美元的毛利潤,貢獻利潤率提升至 6.3%,相比 2023 年第二季度的 -4.6% 有所改善。調整後的 EBITDA 虧損收窄至 500萬美元,顯示出相比於去年 16800萬美元的顯著改善。房屋購買同比增長 78%,達到 4,771 套,而庫存餘額同比增加 94%,達 22億美元,代表 6,399 套房屋。然而,公司注意到在第二季度末市場放緩的信號,並調整其策略以在充滿挑戰的環境中平衡增長、利潤和風險。對於 2024 年第三季度,Opendoor 預計營業收入將在 12 億至 13 億美元之間,貢獻利潤在 3,500 萬至 4,500 萬美元之間,調整後 EBITDA 在 -7 萬至 6000萬美元之間。管理層仍專注於增加收購量,並減少與 2023 年相比的調整後淨虧損,同時在整個平台實施結構性效率。


