
Ecopetrol | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

Ecopetrol | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

哥倫比亞國家石油 | 6-K:外國發行人報告
美股SEC公告 ·  07/31 18:05
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Ecopetrol S.A.'s credit rating at BB+ with a stable outlook, as announced in a report filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for July 2024. The rating agency also confirmed Ecopetrol's national long-term and short-term ratings at 'AAA(col)' and 'F1+(col)', respectively, both with a stable outlook. Fitch highlighted Ecopetrol's robust financial profile, its strategic importance to Colombia, stable operating metrics, and its continued access to capital markets. The potential acquisition of assets in the Permian Basin is not expected to impact the company's credit profile significantly. Ecopetrol, Colombia's largest company, is a major player in the integrated energy sector in the Americas, with operations in hydrocarbon...Show More
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Ecopetrol S.A.'s credit rating at BB+ with a stable outlook, as announced in a report filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for July 2024. The rating agency also confirmed Ecopetrol's national long-term and short-term ratings at 'AAA(col)' and 'F1+(col)', respectively, both with a stable outlook. Fitch highlighted Ecopetrol's robust financial profile, its strategic importance to Colombia, stable operating metrics, and its continued access to capital markets. The potential acquisition of assets in the Permian Basin is not expected to impact the company's credit profile significantly. Ecopetrol, Colombia's largest company, is a major player in the integrated energy sector in the Americas, with operations in hydrocarbon production, transportation, logistics, refining, petrochemicals, and gas distribution. It also has a significant presence in energy transmission, real-time system management, and road concessions through its 51.4% stake in ISA. Internationally, Ecopetrol is involved in strategic basins across the American continent, including the United States, Brazil, and through ISA, in power transmission and other sectors in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and telecommunications.
惠譽評級公司發佈的報告中指出,Ecopetrol S.A.的信用評級爲BB+,展望穩定,同時確認了Ecopedrol的國家長期和短期評級分別爲“AAA(col)”和“F1+(col)”,展望穩定。惠譽評級公司強調Ecopetrol的財務狀況穩健、對哥倫比亞的戰略意義重大、經營業績穩定,以及繼續在資本市場獲得融資的能力。對Permian盆地資產的潛在收購不會對公司的信用評級產生重大影響。作爲美洲綜合能源行業的主要參與者,哥倫比亞最大的企業Ecopetrol在烴類生產、運輸、物流、精煉、石油和天然氣化工以及燃料幣分佈中發揮重要作用。公司還通過擁有ISA 51.4%的股權在運輸、實時系統管理和道路特許經營方面佔據重要地位。在國際上,Ecopetrol涉足美洲大陸的戰略盆地,包括美國、巴西以及通過ISA參與巴西、智利、秘魯、玻利維亞和電信等領域。
惠譽評級公司發佈的報告中指出,Ecopetrol S.A.的信用評級爲BB+,展望穩定,同時確認了Ecopedrol的國家長期和短期評級分別爲“AAA(col)”和“F1+(col)”,展望穩定。惠譽評級公司強調Ecopetrol的財務狀況穩健、對哥倫比亞的戰略意義重大、經營業績穩定,以及繼續在資本市場獲得融資的能力。對Permian盆地資產的潛在收購不會對公司的信用評級產生重大影響。作爲美洲綜合能源行業的主要參與者,哥倫比亞最大的企業Ecopetrol在烴類生產、運輸、物流、精煉、石油和天然氣化工以及燃料幣分佈中發揮重要作用。公司還通過擁有ISA 51.4%的股權在運輸、實時系統管理和道路特許經營方面佔據重要地位。在國際上,Ecopetrol涉足美洲大陸的戰略盆地,包括美國、巴西以及通過ISA參與巴西、智利、秘魯、玻利維亞和電信等領域。


