
Assure | DEFA14A: Others

Assure | DEFA14A: Others

Assure | DEFA14A:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  07/19 05:26
Assure Holdings Corp., a Nevada-based company, has announced the postponement of its special meeting of stockholders. Originally scheduled for July 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time, the meeting has been rescheduled to August 21, 2024, at the same time. The venue remains unchanged at the Las Vegas Marriott Laughlin Conference Center. The record date for the Special Meeting is still set for July 1, 2024. Stockholders who have already voted and do not wish to change their vote are not required to take any further action. However, those who want to change their vote can contact Advantage Proxy, Inc. for assistance. The company has filed a Definitive Proxy Statement with the SEC on July 8, 2024, detailing the agenda for the Special Meeting and providing information about the directors and executive officers. Assure Holdings Corp. emphasizes that this report is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.
Assure Holdings Corp., a Nevada-based company, has announced the postponement of its special meeting of stockholders. Originally scheduled for July 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time, the meeting has been rescheduled to August 21, 2024, at the same time. The venue remains unchanged at the Las Vegas Marriott Laughlin Conference Center. The record date for the Special Meeting is still set for July 1, 2024. Stockholders who have already voted and do not wish to change their vote are not required to take any further action. However, those who want to change their vote can contact Advantage Proxy, Inc. for assistance. The company has filed a Definitive Proxy Statement with the SEC on July 8, 2024, detailing the agenda for the Special Meeting and providing information about the directors and executive officers. Assure Holdings Corp. emphasizes that this report is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.
總部位於內華達州的Assure Holdings Corp.宣佈延期特別股東大會。原定於2024年7月19日上午10:00太平洋時間舉行的會議已經改期至2024年8月21日同一時間在拉斯維加斯萬豪拉夫林會議中心舉行。特別會議的備案日仍定於2024年7月1日。已經投票且不想改變投票的股東無需採取任何進一步的行動。但是,想要更改他們的投票的人可以聯繫Advantage Proxy,Inc.尋求幫助。該公司已於2024年7月8日向SEC提交了一份定期代理聲明,詳細說明了特別會議的議程,並提供了有關董事和高管的信息。Assure Holdings Corp.強調該報告不是出售或招攬購買任何證券的要約。
總部位於內華達州的Assure Holdings Corp.宣佈延期特別股東大會。原定於2024年7月19日上午10:00太平洋時間舉行的會議已經改期至2024年8月21日同一時間在拉斯維加斯萬豪拉夫林會議中心舉行。特別會議的備案日仍定於2024年7月1日。已經投票且不想改變投票的股東無需採取任何進一步的行動。但是,想要更改他們的投票的人可以聯繫Advantage Proxy,Inc.尋求幫助。該公司已於2024年7月8日向SEC提交了一份定期代理聲明,詳細說明了特別會議的議程,並提供了有關董事和高管的信息。Assure Holdings Corp.強調該報告不是出售或招攬購買任何證券的要約。


