
UPLOAD: Others

UPLOAD: Others

美股SEC公告 ·  04/23 01:22
ESGL Holdings Ltd, a company listed in the United States, has filed a Registration Statement on Form F-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 12, 2024. The SEC, in a letter addressed to Quek Leng Chuang, the Chief Executive Officer of ESGL Holdings Ltd, dated April 22, 2024, has informed the company that it has not reviewed and will not review the registration statement. The SEC's correspondence also reminds the company and its management of their responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures, irrespective of the SEC's review process. The letter further references Rules 460 and 461, which pertain to requests for acceleration of the registration process. Claudia Rios at the SEC is the point of contact for any questions the company might have regarding the matter.
ESGL Holdings Ltd, a company listed in the United States, has filed a Registration Statement on Form F-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 12, 2024. The SEC, in a letter addressed to Quek Leng Chuang, the Chief Executive Officer of ESGL Holdings Ltd, dated April 22, 2024, has informed the company that it has not reviewed and will not review the registration statement. The SEC's correspondence also reminds the company and its management of their responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures, irrespective of the SEC's review process. The letter further references Rules 460 and 461, which pertain to requests for acceleration of the registration process. Claudia Rios at the SEC is the point of contact for any questions the company might have regarding the matter.
美國上市公司ESGL Holdings Ltd於2024年4月12日向美國證券交易所提交了F-1表格的註冊申請。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)在一封致ESGL Holdings Ltd首席執行官Quek Leng Chuang的信中提醒該公司,已經未會審查該註冊申請,且不會再審查。信中還提醒公司及其管理層對其披露內容的準確性和充分性負有責任,無論SEC的審查流程如何。信中還提到了規則460和461,這些規則與加速註冊流程的請求有關。SEC的Claudia Rios是公司就此事諮詢的聯絡人。
美國上市公司ESGL Holdings Ltd於2024年4月12日向美國證券交易所提交了F-1表格的註冊申請。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)在一封致ESGL Holdings Ltd首席執行官Quek Leng Chuang的信中提醒該公司,已經未會審查該註冊申請,且不會再審查。信中還提醒公司及其管理層對其披露內容的準確性和充分性負有責任,無論SEC的審查流程如何。信中還提到了規則460和461,這些規則與加速註冊流程的請求有關。SEC的Claudia Rios是公司就此事諮詢的聯絡人。


