


美股SEC公告 ·  04/27 01:22
ESGL Holdings Limited has formally withdrawn its request to accelerate the effective date of its Registration Statement on Form F-1, initially filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The company had previously sought to expedite the process with a requested effective date of April 29, 2024, as indicated in a letter filed via EDGAR on April 26, 2024. However, in a recent correspondence addressed to Daniel Morris, Esq. at the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance, Office of Energy & Transportation, ESGL Holdings Limited has now retracted its request for acceleration, indicating that it no longer wishes the Registration Statement to be declared effective at this time. The letter of withdrawal was signed by Shian Ching Ho on behalf of ESGL Holdings Limited.
ESGL Holdings Limited has formally withdrawn its request to accelerate the effective date of its Registration Statement on Form F-1, initially filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The company had previously sought to expedite the process with a requested effective date of April 29, 2024, as indicated in a letter filed via EDGAR on April 26, 2024. However, in a recent correspondence addressed to Daniel Morris, Esq. at the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance, Office of Energy & Transportation, ESGL Holdings Limited has now retracted its request for acceleration, indicating that it no longer wishes the Registration Statement to be declared effective at this time. The letter of withdrawal was signed by Shian Ching Ho on behalf of ESGL Holdings Limited.
ESGL控股有限公司已正式撤回其在美國證券交易委員會(SEC)初次提交的F-1表格的註冊聲明加速生效日期的申請。該公司此前曾試圖加快該過程,並於2024年4月26日通過EDGAR提交了一封信函,請求於2024年4月29日成爲生效日期。然而,在最近寄給能源和運輸辦公室公司財務司Daniel Morris律師的一封信中,ESGL控股有限公司現已撤回了其加速生效的申請,並表示不再希望此時生效。該撤回信由ESGL控股有限公司的Shian Ching Ho代表簽署。
ESGL控股有限公司已正式撤回其在美國證券交易委員會(SEC)初次提交的F-1表格的註冊聲明加速生效日期的申請。該公司此前曾試圖加快該過程,並於2024年4月26日通過EDGAR提交了一封信函,請求於2024年4月29日成爲生效日期。然而,在最近寄給能源和運輸辦公室公司財務司Daniel Morris律師的一封信中,ESGL控股有限公司現已撤回了其加速生效的申請,並表示不再希望此時生效。該撤回信由ESGL控股有限公司的Shian Ching Ho代表簽署。


