
UPLOAD: Others

UPLOAD: Others

美股SEC公告 ·  05/01 10:15
On April 30, 2024, SMX (Security Matters) received a comment from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding its Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form F-1, which was initially filed on April 22, 2024. The SEC's comment addressed the disclosure concerning the selling stockholders, specifically noting that EF Hutton LLC, listed as one of the selling shareholders, is a broker-dealer. The SEC requested that SMX revise its disclosure or provide a rationale if it believes the comment does not apply. The SEC also reminded SMX that a registration statement must identify any broker-dealer as an underwriter if the shares were not issued as underwriting compensation and that disclosures regarding affiliates of broker-dealers must be clear about the nature of the securities purchase and any distribution agreements. The SEC emphasized the responsibility of SMX and its management for the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures.
On April 30, 2024, SMX (Security Matters) received a comment from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding its Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form F-1, which was initially filed on April 22, 2024. The SEC's comment addressed the disclosure concerning the selling stockholders, specifically noting that EF Hutton LLC, listed as one of the selling shareholders, is a broker-dealer. The SEC requested that SMX revise its disclosure or provide a rationale if it believes the comment does not apply. The SEC also reminded SMX that a registration statement must identify any broker-dealer as an underwriter if the shares were not issued as underwriting compensation and that disclosures regarding affiliates of broker-dealers must be clear about the nature of the securities purchase and any distribution agreements. The SEC emphasized the responsibility of SMX and its management for the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures.
2024年4月30日,SMX(安防-半導體)收到了美國證券交易委員會(SEC)關於其F-1表格註冊聲明的後效修正聲明1的評論,該聲明最初於2024年4月22日提交。SEC的評論涉及到售股股東方面的披露,特別指出EF Hutton LLC作爲一個經銷商在售股股東名單中。SEC請求SMX修改其披露,或者提供理由,如果SMX認爲該評論不適用。SEC還提醒SMX,如果股份不是作爲承銷補償發行的,則註冊聲明必須將任何經銷商標識爲承銷商,並且有關經銷商關聯方的披露必須明確說明證券購買的性質以及任何分銷協議。SEC強調了SMX及其管理層對其披露的準確性和充分性的責任。
2024年4月30日,SMX(安防-半導體)收到了美國證券交易委員會(SEC)關於其F-1表格註冊聲明的後效修正聲明1的評論,該聲明最初於2024年4月22日提交。SEC的評論涉及到售股股東方面的披露,特別指出EF Hutton LLC作爲一個經銷商在售股股東名單中。SEC請求SMX修改其披露,或者提供理由,如果SMX認爲該評論不適用。SEC還提醒SMX,如果股份不是作爲承銷補償發行的,則註冊聲明必須將任何經銷商標識爲承銷商,並且有關經銷商關聯方的披露必須明確說明證券購買的性質以及任何分銷協議。SEC強調了SMX及其管理層對其披露的準確性和充分性的責任。


