
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  07/02 04:35
Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc., a Delaware-incorporated company listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market under the trading symbols CDT for its common stock and CDTTW for its redeemable warrants, has announced the scheduling of its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders for October 2, 2024. The company, which is classified as an emerging growth company, has also set August 20, 2024, as the record date for determining stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting. This announcement comes after the company did not hold an annual meeting in 2023. Consequently, Conduit Pharmaceuticals is informing shareholders of the July 11, 2024 deadline for the submission of qualified stockholder proposals or director nominations to be included in the proxy statement for the upcoming Annual Meeting. The proposals and nominations must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act, as well as the company's bylaws. The report, signed by CEO Dr. David Tapolczay, was filed with the SEC on July 1, 2024.
Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc., a Delaware-incorporated company listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market under the trading symbols CDT for its common stock and CDTTW for its redeemable warrants, has announced the scheduling of its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders for October 2, 2024. The company, which is classified as an emerging growth company, has also set August 20, 2024, as the record date for determining stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting. This announcement comes after the company did not hold an annual meeting in 2023. Consequently, Conduit Pharmaceuticals is informing shareholders of the July 11, 2024 deadline for the submission of qualified stockholder proposals or director nominations to be included in the proxy statement for the upcoming Annual Meeting. The proposals and nominations must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act, as well as the company's bylaws. The report, signed by CEO Dr. David Tapolczay, was filed with the SEC on July 1, 2024.
Delaware註冊的藥品公司Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.在納斯達克股票市場上以CDT普通股和CDTTW可贖回權證爲交易符號上市,宣佈將於2024年10月2日召開2024年度股東大會。作爲新興成長型企業,該公司還設定了2024年8月20日作爲確定有權收到和參加年度股東大會通知的股東記錄日期。該公司沒有在2023年舉行年度股東大會,因此,Conduit Pharmaceuticals正在通知股東,有關股東提案或董事提名的資格提交截止時間爲2024年7月11日,並將納入即將到來的年度股東大會的理事會代理聲明中。這些提議和提名必須遵守證券交易委員會的規則及法規,包括證券交易法規14a-8條例以及公司章程。該報告由首席執行官David Tapolczay博士於2024年7月1日向證券交易委員會提交。
Delaware註冊的藥品公司Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.在納斯達克股票市場上以CDT普通股和CDTTW可贖回權證爲交易符號上市,宣佈將於2024年10月2日召開2024年度股東大會。作爲新興成長型企業,該公司還設定了2024年8月20日作爲確定有權收到和參加年度股東大會通知的股東記錄日期。該公司沒有在2023年舉行年度股東大會,因此,Conduit Pharmaceuticals正在通知股東,有關股東提案或董事提名的資格提交截止時間爲2024年7月11日,並將納入即將到來的年度股東大會的理事會代理聲明中。這些提議和提名必須遵守證券交易委員會的規則及法規,包括證券交易法規14a-8條例以及公司章程。該報告由首席執行官David Tapolczay博士於2024年7月1日向證券交易委員會提交。


