
Sirius XM | 8-K: Current report

Sirius XM | 8-K: Current report

Sirius XM | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/26 14:13


Joseph A. Verbrugge, Chief Commercial Officer of Sirius XM, has agreed to extend his previously announced retirement transition period. Originally scheduled to retire on June 27, 2024, he will now continue as full-time CCO until July 31, 2024, unless the company decides to end his full-time employment earlier.Following the full-time term, Verbrugge will transition to a part-time role as advisor to the CEO through December 31, 2024, to ensure smooth handover of responsibilities. During his extended full-time tenure, he will maintain his current base salary, benefits, and eligibility for a pro-rated 2024 annual bonus.The agreement specifies that Verbrugge will not receive severance benefits under his Employment Agreement upon retirement. However, if terminated without cause before July 31, 2024, he will receive his base salary through that date.
Joseph A. Verbrugge, Chief Commercial Officer of Sirius XM, has agreed to extend his previously announced retirement transition period. Originally scheduled to retire on June 27, 2024, he will now continue as full-time CCO until July 31, 2024, unless the company decides to end his full-time employment earlier.Following the full-time term, Verbrugge will transition to a part-time role as advisor to the CEO through December 31, 2024, to ensure smooth handover of responsibilities. During his extended full-time tenure, he will maintain his current base salary, benefits, and eligibility for a pro-rated 2024 annual bonus.The agreement specifies that Verbrugge will not receive severance benefits under his Employment Agreement upon retirement. However, if terminated without cause before July 31, 2024, he will receive his base salary through that date.
sirius xm控股公司宣佈,公司首席商務官Joseph A. Verbrugge將於2024年6月27日退休,與子公司sirius xm radio inc的當前僱用協議到期時間相符。爲了確保平穩過渡,Verbrugge同意繼續全職擔任其職務,直至2024年7月31日,此後,他將擔任該公司首席執行官的兼職僱員和顧問,直至2024年底。在其延長的任期內,Verbrugge將保留其年薪、福利和獲得2024年度分攤獎金的資格。除非在2024年7月31日之前無故終止他的僱傭合同,否則退休時不會提供任何解僱福利,如果他的僱傭合同因無故原因在此日期之前終止,則他將獲得相應的基本工資。
sirius xm控股公司宣佈,公司首席商務官Joseph A. Verbrugge將於2024年6月27日退休,與子公司sirius xm radio inc的當前僱用協議到期時間相符。爲了確保平穩過渡,Verbrugge同意繼續全職擔任其職務,直至2024年7月31日,此後,他將擔任該公司首席執行官的兼職僱員和顧問,直至2024年底。在其延長的任期內,Verbrugge將保留其年薪、福利和獲得2024年度分攤獎金的資格。除非在2024年7月31日之前無故終止他的僱傭合同,否則退休時不會提供任何解僱福利,如果他的僱傭合同因無故原因在此日期之前終止,則他將獲得相應的基本工資。


