
Shopify | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

Shopify | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

Shopify | 144:擬議出售證券
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/22 04:22


Shopify Inc. Officer Harley Finkelstein is set to sell a total of 59,228 Class A Subordinate Voting Shares, according to a recent filing. The transactions are scheduled for 06/24/2024, with 10,500 shares valued at approximately $698,460 and 48,728 shares at about $3,241,386.56. These shares were acquired on the same date through the vesting of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and options directly from the issuer. This planned sale follows a history of transactions over the past three months, where Finkelstein sold 19,342 shares for a total gross proceed of $1,236,402.04. The notice of the upcoming sale was filed on 06/24/2024, with the plan for these transactions having been adopted on 11/23/2023.
Shopify Inc. Officer Harley Finkelstein is set to sell a total of 59,228 Class A Subordinate Voting Shares, according to a recent filing. The transactions are scheduled for 06/24/2024, with 10,500 shares valued at approximately $698,460 and 48,728 shares at about $3,241,386.56. These shares were acquired on the same date through the vesting of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and options directly from the issuer. This planned sale follows a history of transactions over the past three months, where Finkelstein sold 19,342 shares for a total gross proceed of $1,236,402.04. The notice of the upcoming sale was filed on 06/24/2024, with the plan for these transactions having been adopted on 11/23/2023.
據最新報告,Shopify公司職員Harley Finkelstein計劃出售總計59,228股A類投票優先股。這批交易計劃於2024年6月24日進行,其中10,500股價值約爲698,460美元,48,728股價值約爲3,241,386.56美元。這些股票是通過限制性股票單位(RSUs)和期權的行權而在同一天被髮行者直接取得。此次賣出計劃是繼過去三個月內Finkelstein已售出19,342股,總收益淨額爲1,236,402.04美元。這筆即將進行的交易的聲明是在2024年6月24日提交的,這些交易的計劃是在2023年11月23日通過的。
據最新報告,Shopify公司職員Harley Finkelstein計劃出售總計59,228股A類投票優先股。這批交易計劃於2024年6月24日進行,其中10,500股價值約爲698,460美元,48,728股價值約爲3,241,386.56美元。這些股票是通過限制性股票單位(RSUs)和期權的行權而在同一天被髮行者直接取得。此次賣出計劃是繼過去三個月內Finkelstein已售出19,342股,總收益淨額爲1,236,402.04美元。這筆即將進行的交易的聲明是在2024年6月24日提交的,這些交易的計劃是在2023年11月23日通過的。


