
8-K: Poll Results of 2024 Stockholders Meeting

8-K: Poll Results of 2024 Stockholders Meeting

美股SEC公告 ·  06/22 04:11


On June 18, 2024, Block, Inc. conducted its annual meeting of stockholders, where several key proposals were voted upon. The agenda included the election of two Class III directors to serve until the 2027 annual meeting, an advisory vote on the compensation of the company's named executive officers, and the ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. The stockholders elected Randall Garutti and Mary Meeker as Class III directors. The compensation of the named executive officers was approved, and Ernst & Young LLP was ratified as the company's independent auditor for the upcoming fiscal year. The meeting saw a quorum with 89.06% of the voting power present, with Class A and Class B common stock voting together on all matters.
On June 18, 2024, Block, Inc. conducted its annual meeting of stockholders, where several key proposals were voted upon. The agenda included the election of two Class III directors to serve until the 2027 annual meeting, an advisory vote on the compensation of the company's named executive officers, and the ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. The stockholders elected Randall Garutti and Mary Meeker as Class III directors. The compensation of the named executive officers was approved, and Ernst & Young LLP was ratified as the company's independent auditor for the upcoming fiscal year. The meeting saw a quorum with 89.06% of the voting power present, with Class A and Class B common stock voting together on all matters.
2024年6月18日,Block公司進行了股東年度會議,投票表決了若干重要議案。議程包括選舉兩名第三等級董事,任期至2027年年度會議;關於公司名譽董事的諮詢投票;以及委任安永會計師事務所爲獨立註冊公共會計師,負責截止於2024年12月31日的財年審計工作。股東選舉了Randall Garutti和Mary Meeker爲第三等級董事。公司的名譽董事報酬得到了批准,安永會計師事務所被任命爲公司即將到來財年的獨立核數師。會議獲得了89.06%的投票權,甲類和乙類普通股票在所有事項上互相投票。
2024年6月18日,Block公司進行了股東年度會議,投票表決了若干重要議案。議程包括選舉兩名第三等級董事,任期至2027年年度會議;關於公司名譽董事的諮詢投票;以及委任安永會計師事務所爲獨立註冊公共會計師,負責截止於2024年12月31日的財年審計工作。股東選舉了Randall Garutti和Mary Meeker爲第三等級董事。公司的名譽董事報酬得到了批准,安永會計師事務所被任命爲公司即將到來財年的獨立核數師。會議獲得了89.06%的投票權,甲類和乙類普通股票在所有事項上互相投票。


