
D: Filing D

D: Filing D

美股SEC公告 ·  06/21 03:33
Signing Day Sports, Inc., a Delaware-incorporated company, has filed a Form D Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 20, 2024. The filing indicates a new notice for an offering that began on June 18, 2024, with the company successfully raising the total offering amount of $175,000 USD. The offering, which was not made in connection with a business combination transaction, includes equity, debt, options, warrants, and other rights to acquire additional securities. The company has declined to disclose its revenue range or aggregate net asset value. The securities were offered under Rule 506(b) exemption, and the offering is not intended to last more than one year. Boustead Securities, LLC acted as the placement...Show More
Signing Day Sports, Inc., a Delaware-incorporated company, has filed a Form D Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 20, 2024. The filing indicates a new notice for an offering that began on June 18, 2024, with the company successfully raising the total offering amount of $175,000 USD. The offering, which was not made in connection with a business combination transaction, includes equity, debt, options, warrants, and other rights to acquire additional securities. The company has declined to disclose its revenue range or aggregate net asset value. The securities were offered under Rule 506(b) exemption, and the offering is not intended to last more than one year. Boustead Securities, LLC acted as the placement agent, receiving a 7% cash commission and a 1% non-accountable expense, totaling $14,000 USD in sales commissions. The minimum investment accepted from any outside investor was $0 USD, and the offering has been completed with one investor participating. The proceeds from the offering are not intended for payments to any executive officers, directors, or promoters. Daniel Nelson, CEO of Signing Day Sports, Inc., signed the filing.
Signing Day Sports,Inc.是一家在特拉華州註冊的公司,於2024年6月20日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一份豁免證券交易通知(Form D)。申報顯示,該公司發佈了一個自2024年6月18日開始的新通告,成功籌集總額爲175,000美元的資金。此次融資不是與業務合併交易有關,包括股權、債務、期權、認股權證和其他獲取其他證券的權利。公司拒絕披露其收入範圍或資產淨值總額。該證券是根據規則506(b)豁免出售的,此次發行的期限不超過一年。巴斯德證券有限責任公司充當放置代理,收取了7%的現金佣金和1%的不可說明費用,共計14,000美元的銷售佣金。任何外部投資者所接受的最低投資金額爲0美元,該融資項目已由一位投資者參與。籌集的資金未用於支付任何高管、董事或推銷人員。Signing Day Sports,Inc.的CEO丹尼爾·納爾遜(Daniel Nelson)簽署了申報文件。
Signing Day Sports,Inc.是一家在特拉華州註冊的公司,於2024年6月20日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一份豁免證券交易通知(Form D)。申報顯示,該公司發佈了一個自2024年6月18日開始的新通告,成功籌集總額爲175,000美元的資金。此次融資不是與業務合併交易有關,包括股權、債務、期權、認股權證和其他獲取其他證券的權利。公司拒絕披露其收入範圍或資產淨值總額。該證券是根據規則506(b)豁免出售的,此次發行的期限不超過一年。巴斯德證券有限責任公司充當放置代理,收取了7%的現金佣金和1%的不可說明費用,共計14,000美元的銷售佣金。任何外部投資者所接受的最低投資金額爲0美元,該融資項目已由一位投資者參與。籌集的資金未用於支付任何高管、董事或推銷人員。Signing Day Sports,Inc.的CEO丹尼爾·納爾遜(Daniel Nelson)簽署了申報文件。


