
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股sec公告 ·  06/12 05:33
On June 5, 2024, Banzai International, Inc., a Delaware-incorporated company listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the trading symbol BNZI, announced the resignation of Mark Musburger as Chief Financial Officer, effective June 14, 2024. The company confirmed that Musburger's departure was not due to any disagreements regarding operations, policies, or practices. Alvin Yip, who has been with Banzai International as Corporate Controller since December 2022, will step in as the interim CFO. Yip brings over 25 years of accounting experience to the role and has no familial ties to other officers or directors within the company. Additionally, Yip has not engaged in any transactions with Banzai International since the beginning of the last fiscal year.
On June 5, 2024, Banzai International, Inc., a Delaware-incorporated company listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the trading symbol BNZI, announced the resignation of Mark Musburger as Chief Financial Officer, effective June 14, 2024. The company confirmed that Musburger's departure was not due to any disagreements regarding operations, policies, or practices. Alvin Yip, who has been with Banzai International as Corporate Controller since December 2022, will step in as the interim CFO. Yip brings over 25 years of accounting experience to the role and has no familial ties to other officers or directors within the company. Additionally, Yip has not engaged in any transactions with Banzai International since the beginning of the last fiscal year.
2024年6月5日, 納斯達克全球市場上市的特拉華州註冊公司Banzai International, Inc. (股票交易代碼BNZI) 公佈了其首席財務官Mark Musburger將於2024年6月14日辭職的消息。該公司確認Musburger離職並非因爲在業務、政策或寫作方面存在分歧。自2022年12月以來一直擔任Banzai International公司企業控制器的Alvin Yip將接任臨時首席財務官。 Yip擁有超過25年的會計經驗,並且沒有與公司內其他高管或董事有任何家族關係。此外, 自上個財年開始, Yip沒有與Banzai International進行任何交易。
2024年6月5日, 納斯達克全球市場上市的特拉華州註冊公司Banzai International, Inc. (股票交易代碼BNZI) 公佈了其首席財務官Mark Musburger將於2024年6月14日辭職的消息。該公司確認Musburger離職並非因爲在業務、政策或寫作方面存在分歧。自2022年12月以來一直擔任Banzai International公司企業控制器的Alvin Yip將接任臨時首席財務官。 Yip擁有超過25年的會計經驗,並且沒有與公司內其他高管或董事有任何家族關係。此外, 自上個財年開始, Yip沒有與Banzai International進行任何交易。


