
UPLOAD: Others

UPLOAD: Others

美股SEC公告 ·  02/22 02:37
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reviewed the registration statement on Form S-1 filed by Airship AI Holdings, Inc. on February 7, 2024, and provided comments on February 21, 2024. The SEC's review has resulted in several requests for additional information and amendments to the registration statement. The SEC has asked Airship AI to disclose the purchase prices paid by the selling securityholders for the securities being registered for resale and to include a risk factor regarding the potential negative impact of these sales on the public trading price of the common stock. The SEC also requested expanded disclosure on the exercise prices of warrants, the impact on liquidity, and the company's ability to fund operations. Furthermore, the SEC...Show More
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reviewed the registration statement on Form S-1 filed by Airship AI Holdings, Inc. on February 7, 2024, and provided comments on February 21, 2024. The SEC's review has resulted in several requests for additional information and amendments to the registration statement. The SEC has asked Airship AI to disclose the purchase prices paid by the selling securityholders for the securities being registered for resale and to include a risk factor regarding the potential negative impact of these sales on the public trading price of the common stock. The SEC also requested expanded disclosure on the exercise prices of warrants, the impact on liquidity, and the company's ability to fund operations. Furthermore, the SEC highlighted the need for Airship AI to discuss the potential sale of a substantial portion of shares by major shareholders Derek Xu and Victor Huang, who hold 40.5% and 30% of outstanding shares, respectively. The SEC emphasized the importance of accurate and adequate disclosures by the company and its management. Airship AI is expected to respond by amending their registration statement and providing the requested information.
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已審核了Airship AI Holdings,Inc.於2024年2月7日提交的S-1表格註冊聲明,並於2024年2月21日提出了意見。SEC的審查導致需要提供更多信息和修訂註冊聲明的幾個請求。SEC要求Airship AI披露出售證券持有人購買證券的購買價格,幷包括關於這些銷售對普通股公開交易價格可能產生的負面影響的風險因素。SEC還要求擴大對認股權行權價格、對流動性的影響以及公司資金運營能力的披露。此外,SEC強調了Airship AI討論重大股東Derek Xu和Victor Huang持有的40.5%和30%的優先股可能出售的潛在股份的必要性。SEC強調了公司及其管理層準確和充分披露的重要性。預計Airship AI將通過修訂其註冊聲明並提供請求的信息來做出回應。
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已審核了Airship AI Holdings,Inc.於2024年2月7日提交的S-1表格註冊聲明,並於2024年2月21日提出了意見。SEC的審查導致需要提供更多信息和修訂註冊聲明的幾個請求。SEC要求Airship AI披露出售證券持有人購買證券的購買價格,幷包括關於這些銷售對普通股公開交易價格可能產生的負面影響的風險因素。SEC還要求擴大對認股權行權價格、對流動性的影響以及公司資金運營能力的披露。此外,SEC強調了Airship AI討論重大股東Derek Xu和Victor Huang持有的40.5%和30%的優先股可能出售的潛在股份的必要性。SEC強調了公司及其管理層準確和充分披露的重要性。預計Airship AI將通過修訂其註冊聲明並提供請求的信息來做出回應。


