
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/06 20:06


Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust announced no redemption requests were received for its Series D Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock during the ninth monthly Holder Redemption Date on June 5, 2024.To date, the company has processed 182 redemption requests, redeeming 948,631 Series D Preferred shares. In settlement, approximately 2.8 million common shares were issued (adjusted for May 16 one-for-24 reverse stock split), representing an aggregate redemption value of $35.9 million. As of June 6, 2024, the company had 2,834,237 common shares and 2,577,240 Series D Preferred shares outstanding.The next monthly redemption opportunity is scheduled for July 5, 2024, with a submission deadline of June 25, 2024. Redemption forms and FAQs are available on the company's investor relations website.
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust announced no redemption requests were received for its Series D Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock during the ninth monthly Holder Redemption Date on June 5, 2024.To date, the company has processed 182 redemption requests, redeeming 948,631 Series D Preferred shares. In settlement, approximately 2.8 million common shares were issued (adjusted for May 16 one-for-24 reverse stock split), representing an aggregate redemption value of $35.9 million. As of June 6, 2024, the company had 2,834,237 common shares and 2,577,240 Series D Preferred shares outstanding.The next monthly redemption opportunity is scheduled for July 5, 2024, with a submission deadline of June 25, 2024. Redemption forms and FAQs are available on the company's investor relations website.
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust公司提交了一份8-K表格文件給美國證券交易委員會,稱其Series D Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock的第九個月度持有人贖回日期已於2024年6月5日到期,未收到任何持有人的贖回請求。截至目前,該公司已處理了182個贖回請求,贖回了948,631股Series D優先股,發行了約2.8百萬股普通股,以解決約3590萬美元的總贖回價格。這種普通股的發行考慮到該公司於2024年5月16日進行的1比24的反向股票拆分。截至2024年6月6日,Wheeler REIT擁有2,834,237股普通股和2,577,240股Series D優先股。Series D優先股贖回的下一個截止日期定於2024年6月25日,下一個持有人贖回日期定於2024年7月5日。該公司在其網站上提供了贖回表格和常見問題解答。
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust公司提交了一份8-K表格文件給美國證券交易委員會,稱其Series D Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock的第九個月度持有人贖回日期已於2024年6月5日到期,未收到任何持有人的贖回請求。截至目前,該公司已處理了182個贖回請求,贖回了948,631股Series D優先股,發行了約2.8百萬股普通股,以解決約3590萬美元的總贖回價格。這種普通股的發行考慮到該公司於2024年5月16日進行的1比24的反向股票拆分。截至2024年6月6日,Wheeler REIT擁有2,834,237股普通股和2,577,240股Series D優先股。Series D優先股贖回的下一個截止日期定於2024年6月25日,下一個持有人贖回日期定於2024年7月5日。該公司在其網站上提供了贖回表格和常見問題解答。


