
iBio Inc | 8-K: Current report

iBio Inc | 8-K: Current report

iBio Inc | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/06 04:16


iBio has completed the sale of its Bryan, Texas manufacturing facility to The Board of Regents of Texas A&M University System for $8.5 million on May 31, 2024. The transaction, combined with $915,000 in restricted cash and the issuance of pre-funded warrants worth $4.5 million to Woodforest National Bank, eliminates approximately $13.2 million in secured debt from iBio's balance sheet.The sale marks iBio's complete transition from a CDMO to an AI-driven biologics company, with headquarters now relocated to San Diego. This strategic move follows recent significant developments, including a $15 million private investment secured in March 2024, approximately $4.3 million from exercised warrants, and partnerships with AstralBio for cardio-metabolic therapeutics development and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals for its PD-1 agonist antibody program.
iBio has completed the sale of its Bryan, Texas manufacturing facility to The Board of Regents of Texas A&M University System for $8.5 million on May 31, 2024. The transaction, combined with $915,000 in restricted cash and the issuance of pre-funded warrants worth $4.5 million to Woodforest National Bank, eliminates approximately $13.2 million in secured debt from iBio's balance sheet.The sale marks iBio's complete transition from a CDMO to an AI-driven biologics company, with headquarters now relocated to San Diego. This strategic move follows recent significant developments, including a $15 million private investment secured in March 2024, approximately $4.3 million from exercised warrants, and partnerships with AstralBio for cardio-metabolic therapeutics development and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals for its PD-1 agonist antibody program.
2024年5月31日,iBio Inc是一家在紐約證券交易所美國股票交易所上市,代號為IBIO的特拉華州公司,宣佈終止重大明確協議並完成資產處置。通過其子公司iBio CDMO LLC,該公司通過向德克薩斯A&M大學系統理事會出售物業和發行預付全額憑證,以購買1560570股iBio普通股來支付Woodforest National Bank的債務處理其債務,日期為2021年11月1日。此次交易還涉及終止與德克薩斯州布拉索斯縣土地有關的地面租賃協議以及銷售相關資產,包括建築,改善和個人財產。出售物業和使用約915,000美元的限制現金從iBio的資產負債表中消除了約13.2億美元的抵押債務。此外,未經審計的合併財務信息用於說明物業銷售的財務影響。公司還宣佈通過發行預付全額憑證的方式銷售股權證券。2024年6月3日,iBio發布新聞稿,確認銷售完成並強調其轉型為AI和精準生物製品創新公司,現位於聖地牙哥。
2024年5月31日,iBio Inc是一家在紐約證券交易所美國股票交易所上市,代號為IBIO的特拉華州公司,宣佈終止重大明確協議並完成資產處置。通過其子公司iBio CDMO LLC,該公司通過向德克薩斯A&M大學系統理事會出售物業和發行預付全額憑證,以購買1560570股iBio普通股來支付Woodforest National Bank的債務處理其債務,日期為2021年11月1日。此次交易還涉及終止與德克薩斯州布拉索斯縣土地有關的地面租賃協議以及銷售相關資產,包括建築,改善和個人財產。出售物業和使用約915,000美元的限制現金從iBio的資產負債表中消除了約13.2億美元的抵押債務。此外,未經審計的合併財務信息用於說明物業銷售的財務影響。公司還宣佈通過發行預付全額憑證的方式銷售股權證券。2024年6月3日,iBio發布新聞稿,確認銷售完成並強調其轉型為AI和精準生物製品創新公司,現位於聖地牙哥。


