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Zscaler | 8-K: Zscaler Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results
Zscaler | 8-K: Zscaler Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results
Zscaler | 8-K:Zscaler 公佈2024財年第三季度財務業績
Zscaler, Inc., a leader in cloud security, reported robust financial results for the third fiscal quarter ended April 30, 2024, with a 32% year-over-year revenue increase to $553.2 million. The company also saw calculated billings grow by 30% to $628.0 million and deferred revenue increase by 34% to $1.577 billion. Notably, Zscaler achieved a GAAP net income of $19.1 million, a significant improvement from the GAAP net loss of $46.0 million in the same period last year. Non-GAAP net income also rose to $139.8 million from $74.6 million year-over-year. The company's Chairman and CEO, Jay Chaudhry, attributed the strong performance to growing customer interest in their Zero Trust Exchange platform and the company's ongoing innovation and market expansion efforts. Zscaler also announced the appointment of...Show More
Zscaler, Inc., a leader in cloud security, reported robust financial results for the third fiscal quarter ended April 30, 2024, with a 32% year-over-year revenue increase to $553.2 million. The company also saw calculated billings grow by 30% to $628.0 million and deferred revenue increase by 34% to $1.577 billion. Notably, Zscaler achieved a GAAP net income of $19.1 million, a significant improvement from the GAAP net loss of $46.0 million in the same period last year. Non-GAAP net income also rose to $139.8 million from $74.6 million year-over-year. The company's Chairman and CEO, Jay Chaudhry, attributed the strong performance to growing customer interest in their Zero Trust Exchange platform and the company's ongoing innovation and market expansion efforts. Zscaler also announced the appointment of James Beer as a Class III director, effective May 25, 2024. In addition, the company made strategic acquisitions of Avalor Technologies and Airgap Networks to enhance its AI capabilities and extend its Zero Trust SASE leadership. Zscaler provided a positive outlook for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, with revenue expected to be between $565 million and $567 million and non-GAAP income from operations projected at $107 million to $109 million. For the full fiscal year 2024, Zscaler anticipates revenue of approximately $2.140 billion to $2.142 billion and calculated billings of $2.603 billion to $2.606 billion.
雲安全領域的領導者Zscaler, Inc. 公佈了截至2024年4月30日的第三財季的強勁財務業績,收入同比增長32%,達到5.532億美元。該公司的計算賬單還增長了30%,達到6.28億美元,遞延收入增長了34%,達到15.77億美元。值得注意的是,Zscaler實現了1,910萬美元的GAAP淨收入,與去年同期的4,600萬美元GAAP淨虧損相比有了顯著改善。非公認會計准則淨收入也從同比的7,460萬美元增至1.398億美元。該公司董事長兼首席執行官傑伊·喬德里將強勁的表現歸因於客戶對其零信任交易平台的興趣與日俱增,以及公司持續的創新和市場擴張努力。Zscaler 還宣佈任命 James...展開全部
雲安全領域的領導者Zscaler, Inc. 公佈了截至2024年4月30日的第三財季的強勁財務業績,收入同比增長32%,達到5.532億美元。該公司的計算賬單還增長了30%,達到6.28億美元,遞延收入增長了34%,達到15.77億美元。值得注意的是,Zscaler實現了1,910萬美元的GAAP淨收入,與去年同期的4,600萬美元GAAP淨虧損相比有了顯著改善。非公認會計准則淨收入也從同比的7,460萬美元增至1.398億美元。該公司董事長兼首席執行官傑伊·喬德里將強勁的表現歸因於客戶對其零信任交易平台的興趣與日俱增,以及公司持續的創新和市場擴張努力。Zscaler 還宣佈任命 James Beer 爲 III 類董事,自 2024 年 5 月 25 日起生效。此外,該公司對Avalor Technologies和Airgap Networks進行了戰略收購,以增強其人工智能能力並擴大其在零信任SASE的領導地位。Zscaler對2024財年第四季度給出了樂觀的前景,收入預計在5.65億美元至5.67億美元之間,非公認會計准則運營收入預計爲1.07億美元至1.09億美元。在整個2024財年,Zscaler預計收入約爲21.40億美元至21.42億美元,計算後的賬單爲26.03億美元至26.06億美元。
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