
Robinhood | 8-K: Robinhood Announces $1 Billion Share Repurchase Program

Robinhood | 8-K: Robinhood Announces $1 Billion Share Repurchase Program

Robinhood | 8-K:Robinhood宣布10億美元股票回購計劃
美股SEC公告 ·  05/29 04:12
On May 28, 2024, Robinhood Markets, Inc. announced the approval of a share repurchase program by its board of directors, authorizing the company to buy back up to $1 billion of its Class A common stock. The program is expected to be executed over two to three years starting from the third quarter of 2024. The repurchase plan will be subject to market conditions, share price, and other factors, with the company retaining the flexibility to adjust the timing and volume of buybacks. The program does not have a set expiration date and may be suspended or discontinued at the company's discretion. Robinhood has communicated this development through a blog post and advises investors to follow its Investor Relations website and Newsroom for further disclosures, in line with SEC's Regulation Fair Disclosure.
On May 28, 2024, Robinhood Markets, Inc. announced the approval of a share repurchase program by its board of directors, authorizing the company to buy back up to $1 billion of its Class A common stock. The program is expected to be executed over two to three years starting from the third quarter of 2024. The repurchase plan will be subject to market conditions, share price, and other factors, with the company retaining the flexibility to adjust the timing and volume of buybacks. The program does not have a set expiration date and may be suspended or discontinued at the company's discretion. Robinhood has communicated this development through a blog post and advises investors to follow its Investor Relations website and Newsroom for further disclosures, in line with SEC's Regulation Fair Disclosure.
2024 年 5 月 28 日,Robinhood Markets, Inc. 宣佈其董事會批准一項股票回購計劃,授權公司回購高達 10 億美元的 A 類普通股。該計劃預計將從2024年第三季度開始在兩到三年內執行。回購計劃將視市場狀況、股價和其他因素而定,公司保留調整回購時間和數量的靈活性。該計劃沒有固定的到期日期,可以由公司自行決定暫停或終止。Robinhood已通過博客文章傳達了這一事態發展,並建議投資者關注其投資者關係網站和新聞編輯室以根據美國證券交易委員會的公平披露法規進行進一步披露。
2024 年 5 月 28 日,Robinhood Markets, Inc. 宣佈其董事會批准一項股票回購計劃,授權公司回購高達 10 億美元的 A 類普通股。該計劃預計將從2024年第三季度開始在兩到三年內執行。回購計劃將視市場狀況、股價和其他因素而定,公司保留調整回購時間和數量的靈活性。該計劃沒有固定的到期日期,可以由公司自行決定暫停或終止。Robinhood已通過博客文章傳達了這一事態發展,並建議投資者關注其投資者關係網站和新聞編輯室以根據美國證券交易委員會的公平披露法規進行進一步披露。


