
Virpax Pharmaceuticals | SC 13G: Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals-Mitchell P. Kopin(4.99%),Daniel B. Asher(4.99%), etc.

Virpax Pharmaceuticals | SC 13G: Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals-Mitchell P. Kopin(4.99%),Daniel B. Asher(4.99%), etc.

Virpax製藥 | SC 13G:超過5%持股股東披露文件-Mitchell P. Kopin(4.99%),Daniel B. Asher(4.99%)等
美股SEC公告 ·  05/24 04:15
On May 14, 2024, Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. filed a Schedule 13G with the SEC, indicating a significant acquisition of shares by Mitchell P. Kopin, Daniel B. Asher, and Intracoastal Capital LLC. The filing, made under Rule 13d-1(c), shows that each of the reporting persons has shared voting and dispositive power over 110,727 shares of common stock, representing approximately 4.99% of the company's class of securities. This ownership level is just below the 5% threshold that typically requires additional disclosure and potential regulatory scrutiny. The shares in question include those issuable upon the exercise of two warrants, with blocker provisions preventing ownership exceeding 4.99% of the common stock. The filing also includes a Joint Filing Agreement between the parties involved, stating their collective responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided. The transaction was part of a Securities Purchase Agreement with Virpax Pharmaceuticals, as disclosed in a Form 8-K filed on May 17, 2024.
On May 14, 2024, Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. filed a Schedule 13G with the SEC, indicating a significant acquisition of shares by Mitchell P. Kopin, Daniel B. Asher, and Intracoastal Capital LLC. The filing, made under Rule 13d-1(c), shows that each of the reporting persons has shared voting and dispositive power over 110,727 shares of common stock, representing approximately 4.99% of the company's class of securities. This ownership level is just below the 5% threshold that typically requires additional disclosure and potential regulatory scrutiny. The shares in question include those issuable upon the exercise of two warrants, with blocker provisions preventing ownership exceeding 4.99% of the common stock. The filing also includes a Joint Filing Agreement between the parties involved, stating their collective responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided. The transaction was part of a Securities Purchase Agreement with Virpax Pharmaceuticals, as disclosed in a Form 8-K filed on May 17, 2024.
2024年5月14日,Virpax Pharmicals, Inc.向美國證券交易委員會提交了附表13G,表明米切爾·科平、丹尼爾·阿舍爾和Intracoastal Capital LLC將大量收購股份。根據第13d-1(c)條提交的文件顯示,每位申報人對110,727股普通股擁有共同的投票權和處置權,約佔公司證券類別的4.99%。該所有權水平略低於5%的門檻,這通常需要額外的披露和潛在的監管審查。有關股票包括行使兩份認股權證後可發行的股票,封鎖條款禁止所有權超過普通股的4.99%。該文件還包括有關各方之間的聯合申報協議,其中規定他們對所提供信息的準確性和及時性負有集體責任。該交易是與Virpax Pharmicals簽訂的證券購買協議的一部分,該協議在2024年5月17日提交的8-K表格中披露。
2024年5月14日,Virpax Pharmicals, Inc.向美國證券交易委員會提交了附表13G,表明米切爾·科平、丹尼爾·阿舍爾和Intracoastal Capital LLC將大量收購股份。根據第13d-1(c)條提交的文件顯示,每位申報人對110,727股普通股擁有共同的投票權和處置權,約佔公司證券類別的4.99%。該所有權水平略低於5%的門檻,這通常需要額外的披露和潛在的監管審查。有關股票包括行使兩份認股權證後可發行的股票,封鎖條款禁止所有權超過普通股的4.99%。該文件還包括有關各方之間的聯合申報協議,其中規定他們對所提供信息的準確性和及時性負有集體責任。該交易是與Virpax Pharmicals簽訂的證券購買協議的一部分,該協議在2024年5月17日提交的8-K表格中披露。


