
424B3: Prospectus

424B3: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/05/23 05:05


NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd. (NeuroSense), a clinical-stage biotechnology company, has filed a prospectus with the SEC under Rule 424(b)(3) for the resale of up to 3,050,964 ordinary shares and ordinary warrants to purchase up to 2,980,000 ordinary shares. The prospectus relates to the potential resale by selling shareholders identified in the prospectus, which includes ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of warrants acquired under a securities purchase agreement dated April 10, 2024, known as the April 2024 Offering. The ordinary shares and warrants were initially offered under exemptions provided by the Securities Act of 1933. The selling shareholders will receive all proceeds from any sales, with NeuroSense incurring offering-related expenses. If the warrants are exercised for cash, NeuroSense will receive the exercise price. The selling shareholders...Show More
NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd. (NeuroSense), a clinical-stage biotechnology company, has filed a prospectus with the SEC under Rule 424(b)(3) for the resale of up to 3,050,964 ordinary shares and ordinary warrants to purchase up to 2,980,000 ordinary shares. The prospectus relates to the potential resale by selling shareholders identified in the prospectus, which includes ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of warrants acquired under a securities purchase agreement dated April 10, 2024, known as the April 2024 Offering. The ordinary shares and warrants were initially offered under exemptions provided by the Securities Act of 1933. The selling shareholders will receive all proceeds from any sales, with NeuroSense incurring offering-related expenses. If the warrants are exercised for cash, NeuroSense will receive the exercise price. The selling shareholders may sell the shares and warrants through various methods, including public or private transactions. The timing and amount of any sale are at the discretion of the selling shareholder. NeuroSense's ordinary shares and warrants are listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbols 'NRSN' and 'NRSNW,' respectively. As of May 21, 2024, the closing prices for the ordinary shares and warrants were $1.26 and $0.16, respectively. Investing in NeuroSense's securities involves risks, as detailed in the 'Risk Factors' section starting on page 6 of the prospectus. The date of the prospectus is May 22, 2024.
臨床階段的生物技術公司NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd.(NeuroSense)已根據第424(b)(3)條向美國證券交易委員會提交了招股說明書,要求轉售最多3,050,964股普通股和購買最多298萬股普通股的普通認股權證。招股說明書涉及招股說明書中確定的出售股東可能進行的轉售,其中包括根據2024年4月10日的證券購買協議(即2024年4月發行)收購的認股權證行使後可發行的普通股。普通股和認股權證最初是在1933年《證券法》規定的豁免下發行的。出售股東將獲得任何銷售的所有收益,而NeuroSense將承擔與發行相關的費用。如果認股權證以現金行使,NeuroSense將...展開全部
臨床階段的生物技術公司NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd.(NeuroSense)已根據第424(b)(3)條向美國證券交易委員會提交了招股說明書,要求轉售最多3,050,964股普通股和購買最多298萬股普通股的普通認股權證。招股說明書涉及招股說明書中確定的出售股東可能進行的轉售,其中包括根據2024年4月10日的證券購買協議(即2024年4月發行)收購的認股權證行使後可發行的普通股。普通股和認股權證最初是在1933年《證券法》規定的豁免下發行的。出售股東將獲得任何銷售的所有收益,而NeuroSense將承擔與發行相關的費用。如果認股權證以現金行使,NeuroSense將獲得行使價。出售股東可以通過各種方法出售股票和認股權證,包括公開或私人交易。任何出售的時間和金額均由出售股東自行決定。NeuroSense的普通股和認股權證分別以'NRSN'和'NRSNW'的代碼在納斯達克資本市場上市。截至2024年5月21日,普通股和認股權證的收盤價分別爲1.26美元和0.16美元。投資NeuroSense的證券涉及風險,詳見招股說明書第6頁開頭的 “風險因素” 部分。招股說明書的發佈日期爲2024年5月22日。


