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Wang & Lee Group | 20-F: FY2023 Annual Report
Wang & Lee Group | 20-F: FY2023 Annual Report
宏利營造 | 20-F:2023財年年報
WANG & LEE GROUP, Inc., a construction contractor specializing in Electrical & Mechanical Systems (E&M), has released its annual financial report for the year ended December 31, 2023. The company, incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, operates primarily through its subsidiary WANG & LEE CONTRACTING LIMITED in Hong Kong SAR. The financial performance for the year shows a net loss of $648,854, an increase from the previous year's loss of $596,881. Despite the net loss, the company saw a significant increase in contract revenues, rising by 64% to $6,825,879, compared to $4,169,931 in the previous year. The increase in revenue is attributed to a strategic focus on smaller scale engineering projects and the resumption of normal business operations. The company's contract costs also rose by 30% to $4,385,279. Gross...Show More
WANG & LEE GROUP, Inc., a construction contractor specializing in Electrical & Mechanical Systems (E&M), has released its annual financial report for the year ended December 31, 2023. The company, incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, operates primarily through its subsidiary WANG & LEE CONTRACTING LIMITED in Hong Kong SAR. The financial performance for the year shows a net loss of $648,854, an increase from the previous year's loss of $596,881. Despite the net loss, the company saw a significant increase in contract revenues, rising by 64% to $6,825,879, compared to $4,169,931 in the previous year. The increase in revenue is attributed to a strategic focus on smaller scale engineering projects and the resumption of normal business operations. The company's contract costs also rose by 30% to $4,385,279. Gross profit increased by 211% to $2,440,600, with a gross profit margin of 36%. General and administrative expenses increased by 125% due to costs associated with the company's listing activities. The company completed a private placement and an initial public offering, raising a net total of $6.0 million. The report also highlights the company's risk management strategies, including credit risk management, interest rate risk hedging, and cybersecurity measures. The company's board of directors has an audit committee with a financial expert to oversee financial reporting and risk management. WANG & LEE GROUP, Inc. is listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol 'WLGS'.
建築承包商WANG & LEE GROUP,專門從事電氣和機械系統(E&M)業務。該公司註冊於英屬維京群島,主要通過其在香港特別行政區的子公司WANG & LEE CONTRACTING LIMITED開展業務。截至2023年12月31日,該公司發佈了年度財務報告。該年度的財務表現顯示,淨虧損爲648,854美元,較上一年的虧損額596,881美元有所增加。儘管淨虧損,公司的合同收入卻大幅增長,比上一年的4,169,931美元增長了64%,達到6,825,879美元。營收的增長歸因於戰略性關注小規模工程項目和正常業務運營的恢復。公司的合同成本也增長了30%,達到4,385,279美元。毛利潤增...展開全部
建築承包商WANG & LEE GROUP,專門從事電氣和機械系統(E&M)業務。該公司註冊於英屬維京群島,主要通過其在香港特別行政區的子公司WANG & LEE CONTRACTING LIMITED開展業務。截至2023年12月31日,該公司發佈了年度財務報告。該年度的財務表現顯示,淨虧損爲648,854美元,較上一年的虧損額596,881美元有所增加。儘管淨虧損,公司的合同收入卻大幅增長,比上一年的4,169,931美元增長了64%,達到6,825,879美元。營收的增長歸因於戰略性關注小規模工程項目和正常業務運營的恢復。公司的合同成本也增長了30%,達到4,385,279美元。毛利潤增長了211%,達到2,440,600美元,毛利率爲36%。由於與上市活動相關的費用,總務和行政費用增長了125%。該公司完成了定向增發和首次公開募股,募集了總計600萬美元的淨額。報告還重點介紹了公司的風險管理策略,包括信用風險管理、利率風險對沖和網絡安全措施。該公司的董事會設有審計委員會來監督財務報告和風險管理。WANG & LEE GROUP,Inc.在納斯達克資本市場上的標的是“WLGS”。
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