
Safe & Green Development | 8-K: Current report

Safe & Green Development | 8-K: Current report

Safe & Green Development | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  05/13 20:04
On May 7, 2024, Safe and Green Development Corporation, also known as SG Devco, announced the signing of an Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) to acquire MyVONIA, an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) assistant technology, from Dr. Axely Congress. MyVONIA is designed to provide users with human-like conversational interactions through text messaging without the need for an app or website. The acquisition involves up to 500,000 shares of SG Devco's common stock, with 200,000 shares issued at closing and an additional 300,000 contingent upon reaching certain milestones. Dr. Congress will also enter a consulting agreement with SG Devco to further develop MyVONIA. The closing of the transaction is expected in the second quarter of 2024. The shares issued will be unregistered, sold under an exemption, and...Show More
On May 7, 2024, Safe and Green Development Corporation, also known as SG Devco, announced the signing of an Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) to acquire MyVONIA, an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) assistant technology, from Dr. Axely Congress. MyVONIA is designed to provide users with human-like conversational interactions through text messaging without the need for an app or website. The acquisition involves up to 500,000 shares of SG Devco's common stock, with 200,000 shares issued at closing and an additional 300,000 contingent upon reaching certain milestones. Dr. Congress will also enter a consulting agreement with SG Devco to further develop MyVONIA. The closing of the transaction is expected in the second quarter of 2024. The shares issued will be unregistered, sold under an exemption, and cannot be offered or sold in the U.S. without registration or an applicable exemption. SG Devco also announced plans for its first Annual Meeting of Stockholders on July 2, 2024, and set May 23, 2024, as the deadline for stockholder proposal submissions. The company's press release highlighted the potential integration of MyVONIA into SG Devco's Xene AI Real Estate Platform, aiming to enhance services for realtors and clients. SG Devco specializes in green real estate development and its subsidiary, Majestic World Holdings LLC, operates the XENE Home Platform, an AI-driven real estate marketplace.
2024年5月7日,安全與綠色發展公司(又名SG Devco)宣佈簽署資產購買協議(APA),以從阿克利·國會博士手中收購先進的人工智能(AI)輔助技術MyVonia。myVonia旨在通過短信爲用戶提供類似人類的對話互動,而無需應用程序或網站。此次收購涉及SG Devco的多達50萬股普通股,收盤時發行20萬股,另外30萬股視達到某些里程碑而定。國會博士還將與SG Devco簽訂諮詢協議,以進一步開發MyVonia。該交易預計將於2024年第二季度完成。已發行的股票將未註冊,根據豁免出售,未經註冊或適用豁免不得在美國發行或出售。SG Devco還宣佈了2024年7月2日其首次年度股東大會的計...展開全部
2024年5月7日,安全與綠色發展公司(又名SG Devco)宣佈簽署資產購買協議(APA),以從阿克利·國會博士手中收購先進的人工智能(AI)輔助技術MyVonia。myVonia旨在通過短信爲用戶提供類似人類的對話互動,而無需應用程序或網站。此次收購涉及SG Devco的多達50萬股普通股,收盤時發行20萬股,另外30萬股視達到某些里程碑而定。國會博士還將與SG Devco簽訂諮詢協議,以進一步開發MyVonia。該交易預計將於2024年第二季度完成。已發行的股票將未註冊,根據豁免出售,未經註冊或適用豁免不得在美國發行或出售。SG Devco還宣佈了2024年7月2日其首次年度股東大會的計劃,並將2024年5月23日定爲提交股東提案的截止日期。該公司的新聞稿強調了將myVonia整合到SG Devco的Xene AI房地產平台的可能性,旨在增強對房地產經紀人和客戶的服務。SG Devco專門從事綠色房地產開發,其子公司Majestic World Holdings LLC運營着XENE Home Platform,這是一個由人工智能驅動的房地產市場。


